Makes anything it attaches to capable of permanently removing something's ability to produce light.
The temporary equivalent is /datum/component/light_eater
Procs | |
devour | Consumes the light on the target, permanently rendering it incapable of producing light |
eat_lights | Makes the light eater consume all of the lights attached to the target atom. |
on_expose_atom | Called when a source reagent exposes a target atom |
on_hit_reaction | Called when a source object is used to block a thrown object, projectile, or attack |
on_interacting_with | Called when a target is interacted with by a source item |
on_projectile_hit | Called when a produced projectile strikes a target atom |
on_projectile_self_hit | Called when a source projectile strikes a target atom |
on_throw_impact | Called when a movable source is thrown and strikes a target |
table_buffet | Aggregates a list of the light sources attached to the target atom. |
Proc Details
Consumes the light on the target, permanently rendering it incapable of producing light
- morsel: The light-producing thing we are eating
- eater: The light eater eating the morsel. This is the datum that the element is attached to that started this chain.
Makes the light eater consume all of the lights attached to the target atom.
Called when a source reagent exposes a target atom
- source: The reagents that exposed the target atom
- target: The atom that was exposed to the light reater reagents
- reac_volume: The volume of the reagents the target was exposed to
Called when a source object is used to block a thrown object, projectile, or attack
- source: The item what was used to block the target
- owner: The mob that blocked the target with the source
- hitby: The movable that was blocked by the owner with the source
- attack_text: The text tring that will be used to report that the target was blocked
- final_block_chance: The probability of blocking the target with the source
- attack_type: The type of attack that was blocked
Called when a target is interacted with by a source item
- source: The item what was used to strike the target
- user: The mob using the source to strike the target
- target: The atom being struck by the user with the source
Called when a produced projectile strikes a target atom
- source: The thing that created the projectile
- firer: The movable atom that fired the projectile
- target: The atom that was struck by the projectile
- angle: The angle the target was struck at
Called when a source projectile strikes a target atom
- source: The projectile striking the target atom
- firer: The movable atom that fired the projectile
- target: The atom that was struck by the projectile
- angle: The angle the target was struck at
- hit_limb: The limb that was hit, if the target was a carbon
Called when a movable source is thrown and strikes a target
- source: The movable atom that was thrown
- hit_atom: The target atom that was struck by the source in flight
- thrownthing: A datum containing the information for the throw
Aggregates a list of the light sources attached to the target atom.