Vars | |
embed_chance | Chance for an object to embed into somebody when thrown |
fall_chance | Chance for embedded object to fall out (causing pain but removing the object) |
ignore_throwspeed_threshold | If this should ignore throw speed threshold of 4 |
immune_traits | Traits which make target immune to us embedding into them, any trait from the list works |
impact_pain_mult | Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does when it first embeds (this*item.w_class) |
jostle_chance | Chance for embedded objects to cause pain every time they move (jostle) |
jostle_pain_mult | Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does while |
owner | Mob we've embedded into, if any |
owner_limb | Limb we've embedded into in whose contents we reside |
pain_chance | Chance for embedded objects to cause pain (damage user) |
pain_mult | Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does while embedded (this*item.w_class) |
pain_stam_pct | This percentage of all pain will be dealt as stam damage rather than brute (0-1) |
parent | Thing that we're attached to |
remove_pain_mult | Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does when it falls out or is removed without a surgery (this*item.w_class) |
rip_time | Time in ticks, total removal time = (this*item.w_class) |
Procs | |
can_embed | Is passed victim a valid target for us to embed into? |
create_copy | Creates a copy and sets all of its relevant variables Children should override this with new variables if they add any "generic" ones |
damaging_removal_effect | Handles damage effects upon forceful removal |
examined_tags | Someone inspected our embeddable item |
failed_embed | We've tried to embed into something and failed Random being TRUE means we've lost the roulette, FALSE means we've either been blocked or the target is invalid |
fall_out | Called when then item randomly falls out of a carbon. This handles the damage and descriptors, then calls remove_embedding() |
is_harmless | Does this item deal any damage when embedding or jostling inside of someone? |
jostle_effects | Effects which should occur when the owner moves, sometimes |
magic_pull | Called when an object is ripped out of someone's body by magic or other abnormal means |
on_attackby | When someone attempts to pluck us with tweezers or wirecutters |
on_ex_act | So the sticky grenades chain-detonate, because mobs are very careful with which of their contents they blow up |
on_removed | Move self to owner's turf when our limb gets removed |
on_successful_embed | Proc which is called upon successfully embedding into someone/something, for children to override |
owner_moved | When owner moves around, attempt to jostle the item |
process_effect | Called every process, return TRUE in order to abort further processing - if it falls out, etc |
register_on | Registers ourselves with an item |
remove_embedding | The proper proc to call when you want to remove something. If a mob is passed, the item will be put in its hands - otherwise it's just dumped onto the ground |
rip_out | Someone attempted to pull us out! Either the owner by inspecting themselves, or someone else by examining the owner and clicking the link. |
roll_embed_chance | Calculates the actual chance to embed based on armour penetration and throwing speed, then returns true if we pass that probability check |
set_owner | Registers signals that our owner should have Handles jostling, tweezing embedded items out and grenade chain reactions |
setup_shrapnel | Used for custom logic while setting up shrapnel payload |
stop_embedding | Avoid calling this directly as this doesn't move the object from its owner's contents Returns TRUE if the item got deleted due to DROPDEL flag |
try_embed | Attempts to embed an object |
try_embed_projectile | Attempts to embed shrapnel from a projectile |
try_pluck | Attempt to pluck out the embedded item using tweezers of some kind |
weapon_disappeared | Whenever the parent item is forcefully moved by some weird means |
Var Details
Chance for an object to embed into somebody when thrown
Chance for embedded object to fall out (causing pain but removing the object)
If this should ignore throw speed threshold of 4
Traits which make target immune to us embedding into them, any trait from the list works
Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does when it first embeds (this*item.w_class)
Chance for embedded objects to cause pain every time they move (jostle)
Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does while
Mob we've embedded into, if any
Limb we've embedded into in whose contents we reside
Chance for embedded objects to cause pain (damage user)
Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does while embedded (this*item.w_class)
This percentage of all pain will be dealt as stam damage rather than brute (0-1)
Thing that we're attached to
Coefficient of multiplication for the damage the item does when it falls out or is removed without a surgery (this*item.w_class)
Time in ticks, total removal time = (this*item.w_class)
Proc Details
Is passed victim a valid target for us to embed into?
Creates a copy and sets all of its relevant variables Children should override this with new variables if they add any "generic" ones
Handles damage effects upon forceful removal
Someone inspected our embeddable item
We've tried to embed into something and failed Random being TRUE means we've lost the roulette, FALSE means we've either been blocked or the target is invalid
Called when then item randomly falls out of a carbon. This handles the damage and descriptors, then calls remove_embedding()
Does this item deal any damage when embedding or jostling inside of someone?
Effects which should occur when the owner moves, sometimes
Called when an object is ripped out of someone's body by magic or other abnormal means
When someone attempts to pluck us with tweezers or wirecutters
So the sticky grenades chain-detonate, because mobs are very careful with which of their contents they blow up
Move self to owner's turf when our limb gets removed
Proc which is called upon successfully embedding into someone/something, for children to override
When owner moves around, attempt to jostle the item
Called every process, return TRUE in order to abort further processing - if it falls out, etc
Registers ourselves with an item
The proper proc to call when you want to remove something. If a mob is passed, the item will be put in its hands - otherwise it's just dumped onto the ground
Someone attempted to pull us out! Either the owner by inspecting themselves, or someone else by examining the owner and clicking the link.
Calculates the actual chance to embed based on armour penetration and throwing speed, then returns true if we pass that probability check
Registers signals that our owner should have Handles jostling, tweezing embedded items out and grenade chain reactions
Used for custom logic while setting up shrapnel payload
Avoid calling this directly as this doesn't move the object from its owner's contents Returns TRUE if the item got deleted due to DROPDEL flag
Attempts to embed an object
Attempts to embed shrapnel from a projectile
Attempt to pluck out the embedded item using tweezers of some kind
Whenever the parent item is forcefully moved by some weird means