Vars | |
code | Defines the color/alert code of the response team. Unused if a polldesc is defined. |
enforce_human | Do we humanize all spawned players or keep them the species in their current character prefs? |
ert_template | A custom map template to spawn the ERT at. If this is null or use_custom_shuttle is FALSE, the ERT will spawn at Centcom. |
leader_experience | If TRUE, we try and pick one of the most experienced players who volunteered to fill the leader slot |
leader_role | Alternate antag datum given to the leader of the squad. |
mission | The mission given to this ERT type in their flavor text. |
mob_type | Used for spawning bodies for your ERT. Unless customized in the Summon-ERT verb settings, will be overridden and should not be defined at the datum level. |
opendoors | Do we open the doors to the "high-impact" weapon/explosive cabinets? Used for combat-focused ERTs. |
polldesc | The "would you like to play as XXX" message used when polling for players. |
random_names | If TRUE, gives the team members "[role] [random last name]" style names |
rename_team | The custom name assigned to this team, for their antag datum/roundend reporting. |
roles | A list of roles distributed to the selected candidates that are not the leader. |
spawn_admin | If TRUE, the admin who created the response team will be spawned in the briefing room in their preferred briefing outfit (assuming they're a ghost) |
team | Antag datum team for this type of ERT. |
teamsize | The number of players for consideration. |
use_custom_shuttle | If we should actually use the ert_template custom shuttle |
Var Details
Defines the color/alert code of the response team. Unused if a polldesc is defined.
Do we humanize all spawned players or keep them the species in their current character prefs?
A custom map template to spawn the ERT at. If this is null or use_custom_shuttle is FALSE, the ERT will spawn at Centcom.
If TRUE, we try and pick one of the most experienced players who volunteered to fill the leader slot
Alternate antag datum given to the leader of the squad.
The mission given to this ERT type in their flavor text.
Used for spawning bodies for your ERT. Unless customized in the Summon-ERT verb settings, will be overridden and should not be defined at the datum level.
Do we open the doors to the "high-impact" weapon/explosive cabinets? Used for combat-focused ERTs.
The "would you like to play as XXX" message used when polling for players.
If TRUE, gives the team members "[role] [random last name]" style names
The custom name assigned to this team, for their antag datum/roundend reporting.
A list of roles distributed to the selected candidates that are not the leader.
If TRUE, the admin who created the response team will be spawned in the briefing room in their preferred briefing outfit (assuming they're a ghost)
Antag datum team for this type of ERT.
The number of players for consideration.
If we should actually use the ert_template custom shuttle