A ordnance experiment datum. What gives the science in the first place. One is instantiated by the techweb, another one is also kept on SSresearch for the briefing. A disk should contain several of these in a list. Only one should get picked for the final paper.
Vars | |
experiment_proper | Lookup experiments are initialized using subtypes, this lets us ignore the ones made for subtyping. |
gain | Projected gain from an experiment. In list form, indexed = tier. |
target_amount | The variable that influences the point equation; Determines when you get the most bang for your buck More rigorously, this is the middle of the derivative bell curve. In list form, indexed = tier. |
Var Details
Lookup experiments are initialized using subtypes, this lets us ignore the ones made for subtyping.
Projected gain from an experiment. In list form, indexed = tier.
The variable that influences the point equation; Determines when you get the most bang for your buck More rigorously, this is the middle of the derivative bell curve. In list form, indexed = tier.