Vars | |
D_class_censor_time | At what times has the author been D-Class censored. |
author | Who is the author of this channel? Taken from the user's ID card. |
author_censor | Has the author of the channel been censored, as opposed to the message itself? |
author_censor_time | At what times has the author been censored? |
censored | Has this channel been censored? Where Locked channels cannot be commented on, Censored channels cannot be viewed at all. |
channel_ID | Channel ID is a random number sequence similar to account ID number that allows for us to link messages to the proper channels through the UI backend. |
channel_desc | The description of the channel, players see this upon clicking on the channel before seeing messages. |
channel_name | The name of the channel, players see this on the channel selection list |
is_admin_channel | Is this an admin channel? Allows for actions to be taken by the admin only. |
locked | Is the channel locked? Locked channels cannot be commented on. |
messages | Datum list of all feed_messages. |
Procs | |
random_channel_id_setup | This proc assigns each feed_channel a random integer, from 1-999 as a unique identifier. Using this value, the TGUI window has a unique identifier to attach to messages that can be used to reattach them to their parent channels back in dreammaker. Based on implementation, we're limiting ourselves to only 998 player made channels maximum. How we'd use all of them, I don't know. |
Var Details
At what times has the author been D-Class censored.
Who is the author of this channel? Taken from the user's ID card.
Has the author of the channel been censored, as opposed to the message itself?
At what times has the author been censored?
Has this channel been censored? Where Locked channels cannot be commented on, Censored channels cannot be viewed at all.
Channel ID is a random number sequence similar to account ID number that allows for us to link messages to the proper channels through the UI backend.
The description of the channel, players see this upon clicking on the channel before seeing messages.
The name of the channel, players see this on the channel selection list
Is this an admin channel? Allows for actions to be taken by the admin only.
Is the channel locked? Locked channels cannot be commented on.
Datum list of all feed_messages.
Proc Details
This proc assigns each feed_channel a random integer, from 1-999 as a unique identifier. Using this value, the TGUI window has a unique identifier to attach to messages that can be used to reattach them to their parent channels back in dreammaker. Based on implementation, we're limiting ourselves to only 998 player made channels maximum. How we'd use all of them, I don't know.