Vars | |
author | Who is the author of the full-size article to the feed channel? |
author_censor | Has the author been blocked from making new feed messages? |
author_censor_time | In station time, at what time was the author's messages censored and blocked from viewing. |
body | Body of the full-size article to the feed channel. |
body_censor | Has the body of the message been censored? |
body_censor_time | In station time, at what time was this message censored and blocked from viewing. |
caption | If the message has an image, what is that image's caption? |
comments | List consisting of the articles feed comments for this full-size article. |
creation_time | At what time was the feed message created? |
img | Is there an image tied to the feed message? |
is_admin_message | Did an admin send this message? |
locked | Can comments be placed on that feed message? |
message_ID | What number message is this? IE: The first message sent in a round including automated messages is message 1. |
parent_ID | What is the channel ID of the parent channel? |
photo_file | Referece to the photo used in picture messages. |
time_stamp | At what time was the full-size article sent? Time is in station time. |
Var Details
Who is the author of the full-size article to the feed channel?
Has the author been blocked from making new feed messages?
In station time, at what time was the author's messages censored and blocked from viewing.
Body of the full-size article to the feed channel.
Has the body of the message been censored?
In station time, at what time was this message censored and blocked from viewing.
If the message has an image, what is that image's caption?
List consisting of the articles feed comments for this full-size article.
At what time was the feed message created?
Is there an image tied to the feed message?
Did an admin send this message?
Can comments be placed on that feed message?
What number message is this? IE: The first message sent in a round including automated messages is message 1.
What is the channel ID of the parent channel?
Referece to the photo used in picture messages.
At what time was the full-size article sent? Time is in station time.