Fish movements are simple datums, generated by the fishing minigame, that represent how the fish moves suring the minigame.
Vars | |
can_interrupt_move | If true, the fish can jump while a target position is set, thus overriding it |
current_velocity_limit | The current speed limit used |
fish_idle_velocity | The base velocity of the fish, which may affect jump distances and falling speed. |
fish_velocity | The current speed the fish is moving at |
long_jump_chance | How likely the fish is to perform a long jump, then multiplied by difficulty |
long_jump_velocity_limit | The speed limit for the long jump |
master | The minigame that spawned us |
short_jump_chance | How likely the fish is to perform a standard jump, then multiplied by difficulty |
short_jump_velocity_limit | The speed limit for the short jump |
target_position | A position on the slider the fish wants to get to |
times_fired | How many times move_fish() has been called |
Procs | |
adjust_to_difficulty | Proc that adjusts movement values to the difficulty of the minigame. The operations can be a tad complex, but basically it ensures that jump chances with a probability higher than 1% increase in a smooth curve so that they still reach 100% prob when the difficulty peakes. |
get_acceleration | Proc that returns the acceleration of the fish during the minigame. |
move_fish | The main proc, called by minigame every SSfishing tick while it's in the 'active' phase. |
set_fish_position | Called at the end of move_fish(), for updating the position of the fish in the fishing minigame. |
Var Details
If true, the fish can jump while a target position is set, thus overriding it
The current speed limit used
The base velocity of the fish, which may affect jump distances and falling speed.
The current speed the fish is moving at
How likely the fish is to perform a long jump, then multiplied by difficulty
The speed limit for the long jump
The minigame that spawned us
How likely the fish is to perform a standard jump, then multiplied by difficulty
The speed limit for the short jump
A position on the slider the fish wants to get to
How many times move_fish() has been called
Proc Details
Proc that adjusts movement values to the difficulty of the minigame. The operations can be a tad complex, but basically it ensures that jump chances with a probability higher than 1% increase in a smooth curve so that they still reach 100% prob when the difficulty peakes.
Proc that returns the acceleration of the fish during the minigame.
The main proc, called by minigame every SSfishing tick while it's in the 'active' phase.
Called at the end of move_fish(), for updating the position of the fish in the fishing minigame.