Vars | |
active_effect_cd | The cooldown between switching active effects |
active_effects | A list of possible active minigame effects. If not empty, one will be picked from time to time. |
background | Background icon state from fishing_hud.dmi |
bait_bounce_mult | By how much the bait recoils back when hitting the bounds of the slider while idle |
bait_height | How much space the bait takes on the minigame slider |
bait_pixel_height | The height in pixels of the bait bar |
bait_position | The position of the bait on the minigame slider |
bait_velocity | The current speed the bait is moving at |
completed | Is it finished (either by win/lose or window closing) |
completion | The completion score. If it reaches 100, it's a win. If it reaches 0, it's a loss. |
completion_gain | How much completion is gained per second when the bait area is intersecting with the fish's |
completion_loss | How much completion is lost per second when the bait area is not intersecting with the fish's |
current_active_effect | The current active effect |
deceleration_mult | The multiplier of deceleration of velocity that happens when the bait switches direction |
difficulty | Minigame difficulty |
fish_height | How much space the fish takes on the minigame slider |
fish_icon | Fish icon state from fishing_hud.dmi |
fish_pixel_height | The height in pixels of the fish |
fish_position | The position of the fish on the minigame slider |
fish_source | Keep track of the fish source from which we're pulling the reward |
fishing_hud | The background as shown in the minigame, and the holder of the other visual overlays |
fishing_line | Fishing line visual |
float | float visual |
gravity_velocity | The acceleration of the bait while not reeling |
last_baiting_click | The last time we clicked during the baiting phase |
location | The physical fishing spot our float is hovering |
next_phase_timer | Timer for the next phase |
phase | Current phase |
reeling_state | Whether the bait is idle or reeling up or down (left and right click) |
reeling_velocity | The acceleration of the bait while reeling |
reward_path | Result path |
special_effects | Rule modifiers (eg weighted bait) |
start_time | When the ui minigame phase started |
used_rod | Rod that is used for the challenge |
user | Fishing mob |
wait_time_range | The lower and upper bounds of the waiting phase timer |
Procs | |
get_stack_trace | Throws a stack with prefixed text. |
interrupt | Challenge interrupted by something external |
is_fish_on_bait | Returns TRUE if the fish and the bait are intersecting |
move_bait | The proc that moves the bait around, just like in the old TGUI, mostly. |
on_user_logout | The player is no longer around to play the minigame, so we interrupt it. |
prepare_minigame_hud | Initialize the minigame hud and register some signals to make it work. |
process | Update the state of the fish, the bait and the hud |
register_reward_signals | Proc responsible for registering the signals for difficulty, possible reward, and challenge completion. Call this if you want to override the fish source from which we roll rewards (preferably before the minigame phase). |
remove_minigame_hud | Stop processing and remove references to the minigame hud |
select_active_effect | The proc that handles fancy effects like flipping the hud or skewing movement |
set_lure_timers | Set the timers for lure that need to be spun at intervals. |
start_minigame_phase | Get the difficulty and other variables, than start the minigame |
start_reeling | While the mouse button is held down, the bait will be reeling up (or down on r-click if the bidirectional rule is enabled) |
stop_reeling | Reset the reeling state to idle once the mouse button is released |
update_visuals | update the vertical pixel position of both fish and bait, and the icon state of the completion bar |
Var Details
The cooldown between switching active effects
A list of possible active minigame effects. If not empty, one will be picked from time to time.
Background icon state from fishing_hud.dmi
By how much the bait recoils back when hitting the bounds of the slider while idle
How much space the bait takes on the minigame slider
The height in pixels of the bait bar
The position of the bait on the minigame slider
The current speed the bait is moving at
Is it finished (either by win/lose or window closing)
The completion score. If it reaches 100, it's a win. If it reaches 0, it's a loss.
How much completion is gained per second when the bait area is intersecting with the fish's
How much completion is lost per second when the bait area is not intersecting with the fish's
The current active effect
The multiplier of deceleration of velocity that happens when the bait switches direction
Minigame difficulty
How much space the fish takes on the minigame slider
Fish icon state from fishing_hud.dmi
The height in pixels of the fish
The position of the fish on the minigame slider
Keep track of the fish source from which we're pulling the reward
The background as shown in the minigame, and the holder of the other visual overlays
Fishing line visual
float visual
The acceleration of the bait while not reeling
The last time we clicked during the baiting phase
The physical fishing spot our float is hovering
Timer for the next phase
Current phase
Whether the bait is idle or reeling up or down (left and right click)
The acceleration of the bait while reeling
Result path
Rule modifiers (eg weighted bait)
When the ui minigame phase started
Rod that is used for the challenge
Fishing mob
The lower and upper bounds of the waiting phase timer
Proc Details
Throws a stack with prefixed text.
Challenge interrupted by something external
Returns TRUE if the fish and the bait are intersecting
The proc that moves the bait around, just like in the old TGUI, mostly.
The player is no longer around to play the minigame, so we interrupt it.
Initialize the minigame hud and register some signals to make it work.
Update the state of the fish, the bait and the hud
Proc responsible for registering the signals for difficulty, possible reward, and challenge completion. Call this if you want to override the fish source from which we roll rewards (preferably before the minigame phase).
Stop processing and remove references to the minigame hud
The proc that handles fancy effects like flipping the hud or skewing movement
Set the timers for lure that need to be spun at intervals.
Get the difficulty and other variables, than start the minigame
While the mouse button is held down, the bait will be reeling up (or down on r-click if the bidirectional rule is enabled)
Reset the reeling state to idle once the mouse button is released
update the vertical pixel position of both fish and bait, and the icon state of the completion bar