/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Heretic Knowledge

The datums that allow heretics to progress and learn new spells and rituals.

Heretic Knowledge datums are not singletons - they are instantiated as they are given to heretics, and deleted if the heretic antagonist is removed.


abstract_parent_typeThe abstract parent type of the knowledge, used in determine mutual exclusivity in some cases
banned_atom_typesIf set, required_atoms checks for these exact types and doesn't allow them to be ingredients.
banned_knowledgeWhat knowledge is incompatible with this. Knowledge in this list cannot be researched with this current knowledge.
costCost of knowledge in knowledge points
depthLevel of knowledge tree where this knowledge should be in the UI
descDescription of the knowledge, shown to the heretic. Describes what it unlocks / does.
gain_textWhat's shown to the heretic when the knowledge is aquired
mutually_exclusiveIf TRUE, populates the banned_knowledge list of every other subtype of this knowledge's abstract_parent_type
nameName of the knowledge, shown to the heretic.
next_knowledgeThe knowledge this unlocks next after learning.
poll_ignore_defineDetermines what kind of monster ghosts will ignore from here on out. Defaults to POLL_IGNORE_HERETIC_MONSTER, but we define other types of monsters for more granularity.
priorityThe priority of the knowledge. Higher priority knowledge appear higher in the ritual list. Number itself is completely arbitrary. Does not need to be set for non-ritual knowledge.
required_atomsAssoc list of [typepaths we need] to [amount needed]. If set, this knowledge allows the heretic to do a ritual on a transmutation rune with the components set. If one of the items in the list is a list, it's treated as 'any of these items will work'
research_tree_icon_pathIn case we want to override the default UI icon getter and plug in our own icon instead. if research_tree_icon_path is not null, research_tree_icon_state must also be specified or things may break
result_atomsPaired with above. If set, the resulting spawned atoms upon ritual completion.
routeWhat path is this on. If set to "null", assumed to be unreachable (or abstract).


can_be_invokedDetermines if a heretic can actually attempt to invoke the knowledge as a ritual. By default, we can only invoke knowledge with rituals associated.
cleanup_atomsCalled after on_finished_recipe returns TRUE and a ritual was successfully completed.
on_finished_recipeCalled whenever the knowledge's associated ritual is completed successfully.
on_gainCalled when the knowledge is applied to a mob. This can be called multiple times per heretic, in the case of bodyswap shenanigans.
on_loseCalled when the knowledge is removed from a mob, either due to a heretic being de-heretic'd or bodyswap memery.
on_researchCalled when the knowledge is first researched. This is only ever called once per heretic.
parse_required_itemParses specific items into a more readble form. Can be overriden by knoweldge subtypes.
recipe_snowflake_checkSpecial check for rituals. Called before any of the required atoms are checked.
summon_ritual_mobCreates the ritual mob and grabs a ghost for it

Var Details


The abstract parent type of the knowledge, used in determine mutual exclusivity in some cases


If set, required_atoms checks for these exact types and doesn't allow them to be ingredients.


What knowledge is incompatible with this. Knowledge in this list cannot be researched with this current knowledge.


Cost of knowledge in knowledge points


Level of knowledge tree where this knowledge should be in the UI


Description of the knowledge, shown to the heretic. Describes what it unlocks / does.


What's shown to the heretic when the knowledge is aquired


If TRUE, populates the banned_knowledge list of every other subtype of this knowledge's abstract_parent_type


Name of the knowledge, shown to the heretic.


The knowledge this unlocks next after learning.


Determines what kind of monster ghosts will ignore from here on out. Defaults to POLL_IGNORE_HERETIC_MONSTER, but we define other types of monsters for more granularity.


The priority of the knowledge. Higher priority knowledge appear higher in the ritual list. Number itself is completely arbitrary. Does not need to be set for non-ritual knowledge.


Assoc list of [typepaths we need] to [amount needed]. If set, this knowledge allows the heretic to do a ritual on a transmutation rune with the components set. If one of the items in the list is a list, it's treated as 'any of these items will work'


In case we want to override the default UI icon getter and plug in our own icon instead. if research_tree_icon_path is not null, research_tree_icon_state must also be specified or things may break


Paired with above. If set, the resulting spawned atoms upon ritual completion.


What path is this on. If set to "null", assumed to be unreachable (or abstract).

Proc Details


Determines if a heretic can actually attempt to invoke the knowledge as a ritual. By default, we can only invoke knowledge with rituals associated.

Return TRUE to have the ritual show up in the rituals list, FALSE otherwise.


Called after on_finished_recipe returns TRUE and a ritual was successfully completed.

Goes through and cleans up (deletes) all atoms in the selected_atoms list.

Remove atoms from the selected_atoms (either in this proc or in on_finished_recipe) to NOT have certain atoms deleted on cleanup.



Called whenever the knowledge's associated ritual is completed successfully.

Creates atoms from types in result_atoms. Override this if you want something else to happen. This CAN sleep, such as for summoning rituals which poll for ghosts.


Returns: TRUE, if the ritual should cleanup afterwards, or FALSE, to avoid calling cleanup after.


Called when the knowledge is applied to a mob. This can be called multiple times per heretic, in the case of bodyswap shenanigans.



Called when the knowledge is removed from a mob, either due to a heretic being de-heretic'd or bodyswap memery.



Called when the knowledge is first researched. This is only ever called once per heretic.



Parses specific items into a more readble form. Can be overriden by knoweldge subtypes.


Special check for rituals. Called before any of the required atoms are checked.

If you are adding a more complex summoning, or something that requires a special check that parses through all the atoms, you should override this.


Returns: TRUE, if the ritual will continue, or FALSE, if the ritual is skipped / cancelled


Creates the ritual mob and grabs a ghost for it