Vars | |
allow_bureaucratic_error | Should this job be allowed to be picked for the bureaucratic error event? |
alternate_titles | Alternate titles to register as pointing to this job. |
auto_deadmin_role_flags | Bitflags for the job |
bounty_types | What types of bounty tasks can this job receive past the default? |
config_tag | String key to track any variables we want to tie to this job in config, so we can avoid using the job title. We CAPITALIZE it in order to ensure it's unique and resistant to trivial formatting changes. You'll probably break someone's config if you change this, so it's best to not to. |
current_positions | How many players have this job |
department_for_prefs | If specified, this department will be used for the preferences menu. |
department_head | Determines who can demote this position |
departments_bitflags | Bitfield of departments this job belongs to. These get setup when adding the job into the department, on job datum creation. |
departments_list | Lazy list with the departments this job belongs to. Required to be set for playable jobs. The first department will be used in the preferences menu, unless department_for_prefs is set. |
description | The description of the job, used for preferences menu. Keep it short and useful. Avoid in-jokes, these are for new players. |
exclusive_mail_goodies | If this job's mail goodies compete with generic goodies. |
exp_granted_type | Experience type granted by playing in this job. |
exp_required_type | Experience required to play this job, if the config is enabled, and exp_required_type_department is not enabled with the proper config. |
exp_required_type_department | Department experience required to play this job, if the config is enabled. |
exp_requirements | Minutes of experience-time required to play in this job. The type is determined by [exp_required_type] and [exp_required_type_department] depending on configs. |
faction | Players will be allowed to spawn in as jobs that are set to "Station" |
family_heirlooms | List of family heirlooms this job can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types. |
head_announce | Tells the given channels that the given mob is the new department head. See for valid channels. |
job_tone | custom ringtone for this job |
liver_traits | Lazylist of traits added to the liver of the mob assigned this job (used for the classic "cops heal from donuts" reaction, among others) |
mail_goodies | Goodies that can be received via the mail system. Keep the _job definition for this empty and use /obj/item/mail to define general gifts. |
mind_traits | Traits added to the mind of the mob assigned this job |
minimal_player_age | If you have the use_age_restriction_for_jobs config option enabled and the database set up, this option will add a requirement for players to be at least minimal_player_age days old. (meaning they first signed in at least that many days before.) |
minimal_skills | Innate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a full crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/ |
paycheck | How much money does this crew member make in a single paycheck? Note that passive paychecks are capped to PAYCHECK_CREW in regular gameplay after roundstart. |
paycheck_department | Which department does this paycheck pay from? |
plasmaman_outfit | The job's outfit that will be assigned for plasmamen. |
policy_index | String. If set to a non-empty one, it will be the key for the policy text value to show this role on spawn. |
policy_override | If set, look for a policy with this instead of the job title |
random_spawns_possible | Is this job affected by weird spawns like the ones from station traits |
req_admin_notify | If this is set to 1, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling him that he should let admins know that he has to disconnect. |
required_character_age | Minimal character age for this job |
rpg_title | RPG job names, for the memes |
skills | Innate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a skeleton crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/ |
spawn_positions | How many players can spawn in as this job |
spawn_type | What kind of mob type joining players with this job as their assigned role are spawned as. |
supervisors | Supervisors, who this person answers to directly |
title | The name of the job , used for preferences, bans and more. Make sure you know what you're doing before changing this. |
total_positions | How many players can be this job |
voice_of_god_power | Multiplier for general usage of the voice of god. |
voice_of_god_silence_power | Multiplier for the silence command of the voice of god. |
Procs | |
after_latejoin_spawn | Called after a successful latejoin spawn. Client is in the mob. This happens after after_spawn() |
after_roundstart_spawn | Called after a successful roundstart spawn. Client is not yet in the mob. This happens after after_spawn() |
after_spawn | Executes after the mob has been spawned in the map. Client might not be yet in the mob, and is thus a separate variable. |
announce_job | Announce that this job as joined the round to all crew members. Note the joining mob has no client at this point. |
get_default_roundstart_spawn_point | Handles finding and picking a valid roundstart effect landmark spawn point, in case no uncommon different spawning events occur. |
get_latejoin_spawn_point | Finds a valid latejoin spawn point, checking for events and special conditions. |
get_mail_goodies | An overridable getter for more dynamic goodies. |
get_outfit | Return the outfit to use |
get_radio_information | Returns information pertaining to this job's radio. |
get_roundstart_spawn_point | Returns an atom where the mob should spawn in. |
get_spawn_message | Gets the message that shows up when spawning as this job |
get_spawn_message_information | Returns a list of strings that correspond to chat messages sent to this mob when they join the round. |
get_spawn_mob | Spawns the mob to be played as, taking into account preferences and the desired spawn point. |
map_check |
Var Details
Should this job be allowed to be picked for the bureaucratic error event?
Alternate titles to register as pointing to this job.
Bitflags for the job
What types of bounty tasks can this job receive past the default?
String key to track any variables we want to tie to this job in config, so we can avoid using the job title. We CAPITALIZE it in order to ensure it's unique and resistant to trivial formatting changes. You'll probably break someone's config if you change this, so it's best to not to.
How many players have this job
If specified, this department will be used for the preferences menu.
Determines who can demote this position
Bitfield of departments this job belongs to. These get setup when adding the job into the department, on job datum creation.
Lazy list with the departments this job belongs to. Required to be set for playable jobs. The first department will be used in the preferences menu, unless department_for_prefs is set.
The description of the job, used for preferences menu. Keep it short and useful. Avoid in-jokes, these are for new players.
If this job's mail goodies compete with generic goodies.
Experience type granted by playing in this job.
Experience required to play this job, if the config is enabled, and exp_required_type_department
is not enabled with the proper config.
Department experience required to play this job, if the config is enabled.
Minutes of experience-time required to play in this job. The type is determined by [exp_required_type] and [exp_required_type_department] depending on configs.
Players will be allowed to spawn in as jobs that are set to "Station"
List of family heirlooms this job can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types.
Tells the given channels that the given mob is the new department head. See for valid channels.
custom ringtone for this job
Lazylist of traits added to the liver of the mob assigned this job (used for the classic "cops heal from donuts" reaction, among others)
Goodies that can be received via the mail system. Keep the _job definition for this empty and use /obj/item/mail to define general gifts.
Traits added to the mind of the mob assigned this job
If you have the use_age_restriction_for_jobs config option enabled and the database set up, this option will add a requirement for players to be at least minimal_player_age days old. (meaning they first signed in at least that many days before.)
Innate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a full crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/
How much money does this crew member make in a single paycheck? Note that passive paychecks are capped to PAYCHECK_CREW in regular gameplay after roundstart.
Which department does this paycheck pay from?
The job's outfit that will be assigned for plasmamen.
String. If set to a non-empty one, it will be the key for the policy text value to show this role on spawn.
If set, look for a policy with this instead of the job title
Is this job affected by weird spawns like the ones from station traits
If this is set to 1, a text is printed to the player when jobs are assigned, telling him that he should let admins know that he has to disconnect.
Minimal character age for this job
RPG job names, for the memes
Innate skill levels unlocked at roundstart. Based on config.jobs_have_minimal_access config setting, for example with a skeleton crew. Format is list(/datum/skill/foo = SKILL_EXP_NOVICE) with exp as an integer or as per code/_DEFINES/
How many players can spawn in as this job
What kind of mob type joining players with this job as their assigned role are spawned as.
Supervisors, who this person answers to directly
The name of the job , used for preferences, bans and more. Make sure you know what you're doing before changing this.
How many players can be this job
Multiplier for general usage of the voice of god.
Multiplier for the silence command of the voice of god.
Proc Details
Called after a successful latejoin spawn. Client is in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()
Called after a successful roundstart spawn. Client is not yet in the mob. This happens after after_spawn()
Executes after the mob has been spawned in the map. Client might not be yet in the mob, and is thus a separate variable.
Announce that this job as joined the round to all crew members. Note the joining mob has no client at this point.
Handles finding and picking a valid roundstart effect landmark spawn point, in case no uncommon different spawning events occur.
Finds a valid latejoin spawn point, checking for events and special conditions.
An overridable getter for more dynamic goodies.
Return the outfit to use
Returns information pertaining to this job's radio.
Returns an atom where the mob should spawn in.
Gets the message that shows up when spawning as this job
Returns a list of strings that correspond to chat messages sent to this mob when they join the round.
Spawns the mob to be played as, taking into account preferences and the desired spawn point.
Checks the map config for job changes If they have 0 spawn and total positions in the config, the job is entirely removed from occupations prefs for the round.