Loadout categories 
Loadout categories are singletons used to group loadout items together in the loadout screen.
Vars | |
associated_items | List of all loadout items in this category |
category_info | String to display on the top-right of a category tab |
category_name | The name of the category, shown in the tabs |
category_ui_icon | FontAwesome icon for the category |
tab_order | Order which they appear in the tabs, ties go alphabetically |
type_to_generate | What type of loadout items should be generated for this category? |
Procs | |
get_items | Return a list of all /datum/loadout_items in this category. |
handle_duplicate_entires | Handles what happens when two items of this category are selected at once |
items_to_ui_data | Returns a list of all /datum/loadout_items in this category, formatted for UI use. Only ran once. |
Var Details
List of all loadout items in this category
String to display on the top-right of a category tab
The name of the category, shown in the tabs
FontAwesome icon for the category
Order which they appear in the tabs, ties go alphabetically
What type of loadout items should be generated for this category?
Proc Details
Return a list of all /datum/loadout_items in this category.
Handles what happens when two items of this category are selected at once
Return TRUE if it's okay to continue with adding the incoming item, or return FALSE to stop the new item from being added
Returns a list of all /datum/loadout_items in this category, formatted for UI use. Only ran once.