A datum for sounds that need to loop, with a high amount of configurability.
Vars | |
audio_index | The index of the current song we're playing in the mid_sounds list, only used if in_order is used This is immediately set to 1, so we start the index at 0 |
chance | Chance per loop to play a mid_sound. |
cut_list | If we're using cut_mid, this is the list we cut from |
direct | If true, plays directly to provided atoms instead of from them. |
each_once | If we should always play each sound once per loop of all sounds. Weights here only really effect order, and could be disgarded |
end_sound | (soundfile) The sound played after the main loop has concluded. |
end_volume | Override for volume of end sound. |
extra_range | The extra range of the sound in tiles, defaults to 0. |
falloff_distance | The falloff distance of the sound, |
falloff_exponent | How much the sound will be affected by falloff per tile. |
ignore_walls | Are we ignoring walls? Defaults to TRUE. |
in_order | Whether if the sounds should be played in order or not. Defaults to FALSE. |
loop_started | Has the looping started yet? |
max_loops | The max amount of loops to run for. |
mid_length | The length of time to wait between playing mid_sounds. WARNING: Continuously looping sounds like the microwave, grav gen and fan sounds don't work very well with this, just don't set this if you are doing a continuous loop of machinery. |
mid_length_vary | Amount of time to add/take away from the mid length, randomly |
mid_sounds | (list or soundfile) Since this can be either a list or a single soundfile you can have random sounds. May contain further lists but must contain a soundfile at the end. In a list, path must have also be assigned a value or it will be assigned 0 and not play. |
parent | The source of the sound, or the recipient of the sound. |
pressure_affected | Are the sounds affected by pressure? Defaults to TRUE. |
skip_starting_sounds | Do we skip the starting sounds? |
sound_channel | Sound channel to play on, random if not provided |
start_length | How long to wait before starting the main loop after playing start_sound. |
start_sound | (soundfile) Played before starting the mid_sounds loop. |
start_volume | Override for volume of start sound. |
timer_id | The ID of the timer that's used to loop the sounds. |
use_reverb | Are the sounds subject to reverb? Defaults to TRUE. |
vary | Whether or not the sounds will vary in pitch when played. |
volume | Sound output volume. |
Procs | |
get_sound | Returns the sound we should now be playing. |
handle_parent_del | A simple proc to handle the deletion of the parent, so that it does not force it to hard-delete. |
is_active | A simple proc that lets us know whether the sounds are currently active or not. |
on_start | A proc that's there to handle delaying the main sounds if there's a start_sound, and simply starting the sound loop in general. |
on_stop | Simple proc that's executed when the looping sound is stopped, so that the end_sound can be played, if there's one. |
play | The proc that handles actually playing the sound. |
set_mid_length | Applies a new mid length to the sound |
set_parent | A simple proc to change who our parent is set to, also handling registering and unregistering the QDELETING signals on the parent. |
sound_loop | A simple proc handling the looping of the sound itself. |
start | The proc to actually kickstart the whole sound sequence. This is what you should call to start the looping_sound . |
start_sound_loop | The proc that handles starting the actual core sound loop. |
stop | The proc to call to stop the sound loop. |
stop_current | Stops sound playing on current channel, if specified |
Var Details
The index of the current song we're playing in the mid_sounds list, only used if in_order is used This is immediately set to 1, so we start the index at 0
Chance per loop to play a mid_sound.
If we're using cut_mid, this is the list we cut from
If true, plays directly to provided atoms instead of from them.
If we should always play each sound once per loop of all sounds. Weights here only really effect order, and could be disgarded
(soundfile) The sound played after the main loop has concluded.
Override for volume of end sound.
The extra range of the sound in tiles, defaults to 0.
The falloff distance of the sound,
How much the sound will be affected by falloff per tile.
Are we ignoring walls? Defaults to TRUE.
Whether if the sounds should be played in order or not. Defaults to FALSE.
Has the looping started yet?
The max amount of loops to run for.
The length of time to wait between playing mid_sounds. WARNING: Continuously looping sounds like the microwave, grav gen and fan sounds don't work very well with this, just don't set this if you are doing a continuous loop of machinery.
Amount of time to add/take away from the mid length, randomly
(list or soundfile) Since this can be either a list or a single soundfile you can have random sounds. May contain further lists but must contain a soundfile at the end. In a list, path must have also be assigned a value or it will be assigned 0 and not play.
The source of the sound, or the recipient of the sound.
Are the sounds affected by pressure? Defaults to TRUE.
Do we skip the starting sounds?
Sound channel to play on, random if not provided
How long to wait before starting the main loop after playing start_sound.
(soundfile) Played before starting the mid_sounds loop.
Override for volume of start sound.
The ID of the timer that's used to loop the sounds.
Are the sounds subject to reverb? Defaults to TRUE.
Whether or not the sounds will vary in pitch when played.
Sound output volume.
Proc Details
Returns the sound we should now be playing.
A simple proc to handle the deletion of the parent, so that it does not force it to hard-delete.
A simple proc that lets us know whether the sounds are currently active or not.
A proc that's there to handle delaying the main sounds if there's a start_sound, and simply starting the sound loop in general.
Simple proc that's executed when the looping sound is stopped, so that the end_sound
can be played, if there's one.
The proc that handles actually playing the sound.
- soundfile - The soundfile we want to play.
- volume_override - The volume we want to play the sound at, overriding the
Applies a new mid length to the sound
A simple proc to change who our parent is set to, also handling registering and unregistering the QDELETING signals on the parent.
A simple proc handling the looping of the sound itself.
- start_time - The time at which the
started being played (so we know when to stop looping).
The proc to actually kickstart the whole sound sequence. This is what you should call to start the looping_sound
- on_behalf_of - The new object to set as a parent.
The proc that handles starting the actual core sound loop.
The proc to call to stop the sound loop.
- null_parent - Whether or not we should set the parent to null (useful when destroying the
itself). Defaults to FALSE.
Stops sound playing on current channel, if specified