/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



biome_accepted_turfsThe turf types to replace with a biome-related turf, as typecache. Leave empty for all open turfs (but not closed turfs) to be hijacked.
birth_limitHow much neighbours does a dead cell need to become alive
closed_turf_typesExpanded list of the types that spawns if the turf is closed
death_limitHow little neighbours does a alive cell need to die
feature_spawn_chanceBase chance of spawning features
feature_spawn_listExpanded list of extra features that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list
flora_spawn_chanceBase chance of spawning flora
flora_spawn_listExpanded list of flora that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list
generated_turfs_per_biomeAn associative list of biome type to the list of turfs that were generated of that biome specifically. Helps to improve the efficiency of biome-related operations. Is populated through generate_terrain_with_biomes().
initial_closed_chanceChance of cells starting closed
megafauna_spawn_listExpanded list of Megafauna that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list
mob_spawn_chanceBase chance of spawning a mob
mob_spawn_listExpanded list of mobs that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list
mob_spawn_no_mega_listThe mob spawn list but with no megafauna markers. autogenerated
open_turf_typesExpanded list of the types that spawns if the turf is open
perlin_zoomUsed to select "zoom" level into the perlin noise, higher numbers result in slower transitions
possible_biomes2D list of all biomes based on heat and humidity combos. Associative by BIOME_X_HEAT and then by BIOME_X_HUMIDITY (i.e. possible_biomes[BIOME_LOW_HEAT][BIOME_LOWMEDIUM_HUMIDITY]). Check /datum/map_generator/cave_generator/jungle for an example of how to set it up properly.
smoothing_iterationsAmount of smoothing iterations
string_genUnique ID for this spawner
weighted_closed_turf_typesWeighted list of the types that spawns if the turf is closed
weighted_feature_spawn_listWeighted list of extra features that can spawn in the area, such as geysers.
weighted_flora_spawn_listWeighted list of flora that can spawn in the area.
weighted_mob_spawn_listWeighted list of mobs that can spawn in the area.
weighted_open_turf_typesWeighted list of the types that spawns if the turf is open


generate_terrain_with_biomesThis proc handles including biomes in the cave generation. This is slower than generate_terrain(), so please use it only if you actually need biomes.
populate_terrain_with_biomesSpawning isn't done in procs to save on overhead on the 60k turfs we're going through. This handles the population of terrain with biomes. Should only be called by populate_terrain(), if you find yourself calling this, you're probably not doing it right.

Var Details


The turf types to replace with a biome-related turf, as typecache. Leave empty for all open turfs (but not closed turfs) to be hijacked.


How much neighbours does a dead cell need to become alive


Expanded list of the types that spawns if the turf is closed


How little neighbours does a alive cell need to die


Base chance of spawning features


Expanded list of extra features that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list


Base chance of spawning flora


Expanded list of flora that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list


An associative list of biome type to the list of turfs that were generated of that biome specifically. Helps to improve the efficiency of biome-related operations. Is populated through generate_terrain_with_biomes().


Chance of cells starting closed


Expanded list of Megafauna that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list


Base chance of spawning a mob


Expanded list of mobs that can spawn in the area. Reads from the weighted list


The mob spawn list but with no megafauna markers. autogenerated


Expanded list of the types that spawns if the turf is open


Used to select "zoom" level into the perlin noise, higher numbers result in slower transitions


2D list of all biomes based on heat and humidity combos. Associative by BIOME_X_HEAT and then by BIOME_X_HUMIDITY (i.e. possible_biomes[BIOME_LOW_HEAT][BIOME_LOWMEDIUM_HUMIDITY]). Check /datum/map_generator/cave_generator/jungle for an example of how to set it up properly.


Amount of smoothing iterations


Unique ID for this spawner


Weighted list of the types that spawns if the turf is closed


Weighted list of extra features that can spawn in the area, such as geysers.


Weighted list of flora that can spawn in the area.


Weighted list of mobs that can spawn in the area.


Weighted list of the types that spawns if the turf is open

Proc Details


This proc handles including biomes in the cave generation. This is slower than generate_terrain(), so please use it only if you actually need biomes.

This should only be called by generate_terrain(), if you have to call this, you're probably doing something wrong.


Spawning isn't done in procs to save on overhead on the 60k turfs we're going through. This handles the population of terrain with biomes. Should only be called by populate_terrain(), if you find yourself calling this, you're probably not doing it right.

This proc won't do anything if the area we're trying to generate in does not have FLORA_ALLOWED or MOB_SPAWN_ALLOWED in its area_flags.