/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



entryThe entry being purchased.
itemInstance of the item being sent, used by the market telepad
legallityIs this item considered contraband? If illegal, applies the contraband trait to the item when spawned.
methodShipping method used to buy this item.
uplinkThe uplink where this purchase was done from.


post_purchase_effectsProc that applies secondary effects to objects that are spawned via a market.

Var Details


The entry being purchased.


Instance of the item being sent, used by the market telepad


Is this item considered contraband? If illegal, applies the contraband trait to the item when spawned.


Shipping method used to buy this item.

The uplink where this purchase was done from.

Proc Details


Proc that applies secondary effects to objects that are spawned via a market.

@param spawned_item - Reference to the atom being spawned. @param legal_status - Is this item considered legal? If illegal, will apply the contraband trait to the spawned item.