Template class of the movement datums, handles the timing portion of the loops
Vars | |
controller | The subsystem we're processing on |
delay | Delay between each move in deci-seconds |
extra_info | An extra reference we pass around It is on occasion useful to have a reference to some datum without storing it on the moving object Mostly comes up in high performance senarios where we care about things being singletons This feels horrible, but constantly making components seems worse |
flags | Bitfield of different things that affect how a loop operates, and other mechanics around it as well. |
lifetime | Time till we stop processing in deci-seconds, defaults to forever |
moving | The thing we're moving about |
owner | The movement packet that owns us |
priority | Defines how different move loops override each other. Higher numbers beat lower numbers |
queued_time | The time we are CURRENTLY queued for processing Do not modify this directly |
status | Status bitfield for what state the move loop is currently in |
timer | The next time we should process Used primarially as a hint to be reasoned about by our [controller], and as the id of our bucket |
Procs | |
compare_loops | check if this exact moveloop datum already exists (in terms of vars) so we can avoid creating a new one to overwrite the old duplicate |
loop_started | Called when a loop is starting by a movement subsystem |
loop_stopped | Called when a loop is stopped, doesn't stop the loop itself |
move | Handles the actual move, overriden by children Returns FALSE if nothing happen, TRUE otherwise |
pause_for | Pauses the move loop for some passed in period This functionally means shifting its timer up, and clearing it from its current bucket |
pause_loop | Pause our loop untill restarted with resume_loop() |
resume_loop | Resume our loop after being paused by pause_loop() |
set_delay | Exists as a helper so outside code can modify delay in a sane way |
Var Details
The subsystem we're processing on
Delay between each move in deci-seconds
An extra reference we pass around It is on occasion useful to have a reference to some datum without storing it on the moving object Mostly comes up in high performance senarios where we care about things being singletons This feels horrible, but constantly making components seems worse
Bitfield of different things that affect how a loop operates, and other mechanics around it as well.
Time till we stop processing in deci-seconds, defaults to forever
The thing we're moving about
The movement packet that owns us
Defines how different move loops override each other. Higher numbers beat lower numbers
The time we are CURRENTLY queued for processing Do not modify this directly
Status bitfield for what state the move loop is currently in
The next time we should process Used primarially as a hint to be reasoned about by our [controller], and as the id of our bucket
Proc Details
check if this exact moveloop datum already exists (in terms of vars) so we can avoid creating a new one to overwrite the old duplicate
Called when a loop is starting by a movement subsystem
Called when a loop is stopped, doesn't stop the loop itself
Handles the actual move, overriden by children Returns FALSE if nothing happen, TRUE otherwise
Pauses the move loop for some passed in period This functionally means shifting its timer up, and clearing it from its current bucket
Pause our loop untill restarted with resume_loop()
Resume our loop after being paused by pause_loop()
Exists as a helper so outside code can modify delay in a sane way