Vars | |
mutation_traits | List of traits to add/remove when someone gets this mutation. |
Procs | |
break_an_arm | Checks damage of a hulk's arm and applies bone wounds as necessary. |
check_swing | Run a barrage of checks to see if any given click is actually able to swing |
finish_swing | Time to toss the victim at high speed |
setup_swing | Do a short 2 second do_after before starting the actual swing |
swing_loop | Does the animations for the hulk swing loop |
Var Details
List of traits to add/remove when someone gets this mutation.
Proc Details
Checks damage of a hulk's arm and applies bone wounds as necessary.
Called by specific atoms being attacked, such as walls. If an atom does not call this proc, than punching that atom will not cause arm breaking (even if the atom deals recoil damage to hulks). Arguments: arg1 is the arm to evaluate damage of and possibly break.
Run a barrage of checks to see if any given click is actually able to swing
Time to toss the victim at high speed
Do a short 2 second do_after before starting the actual swing
Does the animations for the hulk swing loop
This code is based in part on the wrestling swing code ported from goon, see [code/datums/martial/] credit to: cogwerks, pistoleer, spyguy, angriestibm, marquesas, and stuntwaffle. For each step of the swinging, with the delay getting shorter along the way. Checks to see we still have them in our grasp at each step.