/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


A preference that is a choice of one option among a fixed set. Used for preferences such as clothing.


main_feature_nameIf the preference is a main feature (PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_FEATURES or PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_CLOTHING) this is the name of the feature that will be presented.
should_generate_iconsIf this is TRUE, an icon will be generated for every value. If you implement this, you must implement icon_for(value) for every possible value.


get_choicesReturns a list of every possible value. The first time this is called, will run init_values(). Return value can be in the form of:
get_choices_serializedReturns a list of every possible value, serialized.
icon_forWhen should_generate_icons is TRUE, this proc is called for every value. It can return either an /datum/universal_icon (see uni_icon() DEFINE) or a typepath to an atom to create.
init_possible_valuesReturns a list of every possible value. This must be overriden by /datum/preference/choiced subtypes. If should_generate_icons is TRUE, then you will also need to implement icon_for(value) for every possible value.

Var Details


If the preference is a main feature (PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_FEATURES or PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_CLOTHING) this is the name of the feature that will be presented.


If this is TRUE, an icon will be generated for every value. If you implement this, you must implement icon_for(value) for every possible value.

Proc Details


Returns a list of every possible value. The first time this is called, will run init_values(). Return value can be in the form of:


Returns a list of every possible value, serialized.


When should_generate_icons is TRUE, this proc is called for every value. It can return either an /datum/universal_icon (see uni_icon() DEFINE) or a typepath to an atom to create.


Returns a list of every possible value. This must be overriden by /datum/preference/choiced subtypes. If should_generate_icons is TRUE, then you will also need to implement icon_for(value) for every possible value.