Vars | |
be_special | List of ROLE_X that the client wants to be eligible for |
character_data | The savefile relating to character preferences, PREFERENCE_CHARACTER |
character_preview_view | A preview of the current character |
current_window | The current window, PREFERENCE_TAB_* in [code/__DEFINES/ ] |
default_slot | Ensures that we always load the last used save, QOL |
favorite_outfits | What outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu |
hearted | Someone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise) |
hearted_until | If we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed |
key_bindings | Custom keybindings. Map of keybind names to keyboard inputs. For example, by default would have "swap_hands" -> list("X") |
key_bindings_by_key | Cached list of keybindings, mapping keys to actions. For example, by default would have "X" -> list("swap_hands") |
last_id | Last CID that this client has connected from |
last_ip | Last IP that this client has connected from |
lastchangelog | Cached changelog size, to detect new changelogs since last join |
load_and_save | Whether or not we allow saving/loading. Used for guests, if they're enabled |
max_save_slots | The maximum number of slots we're allowed to contain |
middleware | A list of instantiated middleware |
muted | Bitflags for communications that are muted |
path | The path to the general savefile for this datum |
recently_updated_keys | A list of keys that have been updated since the last save. |
savefile | The json savefile for this datum |
tainted_character_profiles | If set to TRUE, will update character_profiles on the next ui_data tick. |
value_cache | A cache of preference entries to values. Used to avoid expensive READ_FILE every time a preference is retrieved. |
Procs | |
add_loadout_item | Helper for slotting in a new loadout item |
apply_all_client_preferences | Applies all PREFERENCE_PLAYER preferences |
apply_character_randomization_prefs | Randomizes the character according to preferences. |
apply_prefs_to | Applies the given preferences to a human mob. |
check_keybindings | checks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them |
get_default_randomization | Returns the default randomise variable ouptut |
get_highest_priority_job | Returns what job is marked as highest |
get_key_bindings_by_key | Inverts the key_bindings list such that it can be used for key_bindings_by_key |
get_save_data_for_savefile_identifier | Returns which savefile to use for a given savefile identifier |
hardcore_random_setup | Setup the random hardcore quirks and give the character the new score prize. |
migrate_body_types | Previously, body types could only be used on non-binary characters. PR #62733 changed this to allow all characters to use body type. This migration moves binary-gendered characters over to the "use gender" body type so that old characters are preserved. |
migrate_boolean_sound_prefs_to_default_volume | |
migrate_character_to_tgui_prefs_menu | Handle the migrations necessary from pre-tgui prefs to post-tgui prefs, for characters |
migrate_legacy_sound_toggles | Previously, sound preferences were legacy toggles. PR #71040 changed these to modern toggles. This migration transfers the player's existing preferences into the new toggles |
migrate_preferences_to_tgui_prefs_menu | Handle the migrations necessary from pre-tgui prefs to post-tgui prefs |
migrate_quirk_to_loadout | Move quirk items into loadout items |
randomise_appearance_prefs | Fully randomizes everything in the character. |
read_preference | Read a /datum/preference type and return its value. This will write to the savefile if a value was not found with the new value. |
remove_loadout_item | Helper for removing a loadout item |
safe_transfer_prefs_to | Sanitizes the preferences, applies the randomization prefs, and then applies the preference to the human mob. |
select_hardcore_quirks | Goes through all quirks that can be used in hardcore mode and select some based on a random budget. Returns the new value to be gained with this setup, plus the previously earned score. |
should_be_random_hardcore | Returns whether the parent mob should have the random hardcore settings enabled. Assumes it has a mind. |
should_randomize | Returns if a preference should be randomized. |
update_preference | Will perform an update on the preference, but not write to the savefile. This will, for instance, update the character preference view. Performs sanity checks. |
update_tts_blip_prefs | Previously, tts enabled/blip were individual buttons PR #76558 changed them to one dropdown choice. This migration transfers the player's existing preferences into the new dropdown |
write_preference | Set a /datum/preference entry. Returns TRUE for a successful preference application. Returns FALSE if it is invalid. |
Var Details
List of ROLE_X that the client wants to be eligible for
The savefile relating to character preferences, PREFERENCE_CHARACTER
A preview of the current character
The current window, PREFERENCE_TAB_* in [code/__DEFINES/
Ensures that we always load the last used save, QOL
What outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu
Someone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise)
If we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed
Custom keybindings. Map of keybind names to keyboard inputs. For example, by default would have "swap_hands" -> list("X")
Cached list of keybindings, mapping keys to actions. For example, by default would have "X" -> list("swap_hands")
Last CID that this client has connected from
Last IP that this client has connected from
Cached changelog size, to detect new changelogs since last join
Whether or not we allow saving/loading. Used for guests, if they're enabled
The maximum number of slots we're allowed to contain
A list of instantiated middleware
Bitflags for communications that are muted
The path to the general savefile for this datum
A list of keys that have been updated since the last save.
The json savefile for this datum
If set to TRUE, will update character_profiles on the next ui_data tick.
A cache of preference entries to values. Used to avoid expensive READ_FILE every time a preference is retrieved.
Proc Details
Helper for slotting in a new loadout item
Applies all PREFERENCE_PLAYER preferences
Randomizes the character according to preferences.
Applies the given preferences to a human mob.
checks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them
Returns the default randomise
variable ouptut
Returns what job is marked as highest
Inverts the key_bindings list such that it can be used for key_bindings_by_key
Returns which savefile to use for a given savefile identifier
Setup the random hardcore quirks and give the character the new score prize.
Previously, body types could only be used on non-binary characters. PR #62733 changed this to allow all characters to use body type. This migration moves binary-gendered characters over to the "use gender" body type so that old characters are preserved.
Pull request: #86932 Sound mixer part 1
Multiplies boolean sound prefs by 100
Changed ambience tick pref to numeric slider
Changed ship ambience tick pref to numeric slider
Changed lobby music tick pref to numeric slider
Changed Radio noise tick pref to numeric slider
Handle the migrations necessary from pre-tgui prefs to post-tgui prefs, for characters
Previously, sound preferences were legacy toggles. PR #71040 changed these to modern toggles. This migration transfers the player's existing preferences into the new toggles
Handle the migrations necessary from pre-tgui prefs to post-tgui prefs
Move quirk items into loadout items
If this is accompanied with removal of a quirk, you don't need to worry about handling that here - quirk sanitization happens AFTER migration
Fully randomizes everything in the character.
Read a /datum/preference type and return its value. This will write to the savefile if a value was not found with the new value.
Helper for removing a loadout item
Sanitizes the preferences, applies the randomization prefs, and then applies the preference to the human mob.
Goes through all quirks that can be used in hardcore mode and select some based on a random budget. Returns the new value to be gained with this setup, plus the previously earned score.
Returns whether the parent mob should have the random hardcore settings enabled. Assumes it has a mind.
Returns if a preference should be randomized.
Will perform an update on the preference, but not write to the savefile. This will, for instance, update the character preference view. Performs sanity checks.
Previously, tts enabled/blip were individual buttons PR #76558 changed them to one dropdown choice. This migration transfers the player's existing preferences into the new dropdown
Set a /datum/preference entry. Returns TRUE for a successful preference application. Returns FALSE if it is invalid.