Subtype quirk that has some bonus logic to spawn items for the player.
Vars | |
open_backpack | If true, the backpack automatically opens on post_add(). Usually set to TRUE when an item is equipped inside the player's backpack. |
where_items_spawned | Lazylist of strings describing where all the quirk items have been spawned. |
Procs | |
give_item_to_holder | Handles inserting an item in any of the valid slots provided, then allows for post_add notification. |
Var Details
If true, the backpack automatically opens on post_add(). Usually set to TRUE when an item is equipped inside the player's backpack.
Lazylist of strings describing where all the quirk items have been spawned.
Proc Details
Handles inserting an item in any of the valid slots provided, then allows for post_add notification.
If no valid slot is available for an item, the item is left at the mob's feet. Arguments:
- quirk_item - The item to give to the quirk holder. If the item is a path, the item will be spawned in first on the player's turf.
- valid_slots - Assoc list of descriptive location strings to item slots that is fed into [/mob/living/carbon/proc/equip_in_one_of_slots]. list(LOCATION_BACKPACK = ITEM_SLOT_BACKPACK)
- flavour_text - Optional flavour text to append to the where_items_spawned string after the item's location.
- default_location - If the item isn't possible to equip in a valid slot, this is a description of where the item was spawned.
- notify_player - If TRUE, adds strings to where_items_spawned list to be output to the player in /datum/quirk/item_quirk/post_add()