/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


A single reagent


added_traitsA list of traits to apply while the reagent is in a mob.
addiction_typesAssoc list with key type of addiction this reagent feeds, and value amount of addiction points added per unit of reagent metabolzied (which means * REAGENTS_METABOLISM every life())
affected_biotypeThe affected biotype, if the reagent damages/heals toxin damage of an affected mob. See "Mob bio-types flags" in /code/_DEFINES/mobs.dm
affected_bodytypeThe affected bodytype, if the reagent damages/heals bodyparts (Brute/Fire) of an affected mob. See "Bodytype defines" in /code/_DEFINES/mobs.dm
affected_organ_flagsThe affected organ_flags, if the reagent damages/heals organ damage of an affected mob. See "Organ defines for carbon mobs" in /code/_DEFINES/surgery.dm
affected_respiration_typeThe affected respiration type, if the reagent damages/heals oxygen damage of an affected mob. See "Mob bio-types flags" in /code/_DEFINES/mobs.dm
burning_temperaturewhat chem is made at the end of a reaction IF the purity is below the recipies purity_min at the END of a reaction only Thermodynamic vars How hot this reagent burns when it's on fire - null means it can't burn
burning_volumeHow much is consumed when it is burnt per second
colorcolor it looks in containers etc
creation_puritythe purity of the reagent on creation (i.e. when it's added to a mob and its purity split it into 2 chems; the purity of the resultant chems are kept as 1, this tracks what the purity was before that)
current_cycleincrements everytime on_mob_life is called
dataSpecial data associated with the reagent that will be passed on upon transfer to a new holder.
default_containerThe default reagent container for the reagent, used for icon generation
descriptionnor do they have descriptions
fallback_iconIcon for fallback item displayed in a tourist's thought bubble for if this reagent had no associated glass_style datum.
fallback_icon_stateIcon state for fallback item displayed in a tourist's thought bubble for if this reagent had no associated glass_style datum.
glass_priceThe amount a robot will pay for a glass of this (20 units but can be higher if you pour more, be frugal!)
holderreagent holder this belongs to
inverse_chemWhat chem is metabolised when purity is below inverse_chem_val
inverse_chem_valIf the impurity is below 0.5, replace ALL of the chem with inverse_chem upon metabolising
massThe molar mass of the reagent - if you're adding a reagent that doesn't have a recipe, just add a random number between 10 - 800. Higher numbers are "harder" but it's mostly arbitary.
materialAre we from a material? We might wanna know that for special stuff. Like metalgen. Is replaced with a ref of the material on New()
metabolization_ratehow fast the reagent is metabolized by the mob
metabolized_traitsA list of traits to apply while the reagent is being metabolized.
metabolizingis it currently metabolizing
namedatums don't have names by default
overdose_thresholdabove this overdoses happen
overdosedYou fucked up and this is now triggering its overdose effects, purge that shit quick.
penetrates_skinThe set of exposure methods this penetrates skin with.
phpH of the reagent
purge_multiplierMultiplier of the amount purged by reagents such as calomel, multiver, syniver etc.
purityPurity of the reagent - for use with internal reaction mechanics only. Use below (creation_purity) if you're writing purity effects into a reagent's use mechanics.
reagent_removal_skip_listA list of causes why this chem should skip being removed, if the length is 0 it will be removed from holder naturally, if this is >0 it will not be removed from the holder.
reagent_weightaffects how far it travels when sprayed
restaurant_orderWhen ordered in a restaurant, what custom order do we create?
self_consumingif false stops metab in liverless mobs
taste_descriptionused by taste messages
taste_multhow this taste compares to others. Higher values means it is more noticable
volumepretend this is moles


DestroyThis should only be called by the holder, so it's already handled clearing its references
burnCalled whenever a reagent is on fire, or is in a holder that is on fire. (WIP)
expose_atomApplies this reagent to an /atom
expose_mobApplies this reagent to a /mob/living
expose_objApplies this reagent to an /obj
expose_turfApplies this reagent to a /turf
get_inverse_purityGets the inverse purity of this reagent. Mostly used when converting from a normal reagent to its inverse one.
get_taste_descriptionShould return a associative list where keys are taste descriptions and values are strength ratios
metabolize_reagentMetabolizes a portion of the reagent after on_mob_life() is called
normalise_creation_purityUsed when you want the default reagents purity to be equal to the normal effects (i.e. if default purity is 0.75, and your reacted purity is 1, then it will return 1.33)
on_burn_wound_processingCalled in burns.dm if the reagent has the REAGENT_AFFECTS_WOUNDS process flag
on_hydroponics_applyCalled when this chemical is processed in a hydroponics tray.
on_mergeCalled when two reagents of the same are mixing.
on_mob_addCalled when this reagent is first added to a mob
on_mob_deadCalled when a reagent is inside of a mob when they are dead if the reagent has the REAGENT_DEAD_PROCESS flag Returning UPDATE_MOB_HEALTH will cause updatehealth() to be called on the holder mob by /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize.
on_mob_deleteCalled when this reagent is removed while inside a mob
on_mob_end_metabolizeCalled when this reagent stops being metabolized by a liver
on_mob_lifeTicks on mob Life() for as long as the reagent remains in the mob's reagents.
on_mob_metabolizeCalled when this reagent first starts being metabolized by a liver
on_newCalled after add_reagents creates a new reagent.
on_transferCalled after a reagent is transferred
overdose_processCalled if the reagent has passed the overdose threshold and is set to be triggering overdose effects. Returning UPDATE_MOB_HEALTH will cause updatehealth() to be called on the holder mob by /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize.
overdose_startCalled when an overdose starts. Returning UPDATE_MOB_HEALTH will cause updatehealth() to be called on the holder mob by /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize.
used_on_fishCalled when feeding a fish. If TRUE is returned, a portion of reagent will be consumed.

Var Details


A list of traits to apply while the reagent is in a mob.


Assoc list with key type of addiction this reagent feeds, and value amount of addiction points added per unit of reagent metabolzied (which means * REAGENTS_METABOLISM every life())


The affected biotype, if the reagent damages/heals toxin damage of an affected mob. See "Mob bio-types flags" in /code/_DEFINES/mobs.dm


The affected bodytype, if the reagent damages/heals bodyparts (Brute/Fire) of an affected mob. See "Bodytype defines" in /code/_DEFINES/mobs.dm


The affected organ_flags, if the reagent damages/heals organ damage of an affected mob. See "Organ defines for carbon mobs" in /code/_DEFINES/surgery.dm


The affected respiration type, if the reagent damages/heals oxygen damage of an affected mob. See "Mob bio-types flags" in /code/_DEFINES/mobs.dm


what chem is made at the end of a reaction IF the purity is below the recipies purity_min at the END of a reaction only Thermodynamic vars How hot this reagent burns when it's on fire - null means it can't burn


How much is consumed when it is burnt per second




color it looks in containers etc


the purity of the reagent on creation (i.e. when it's added to a mob and its purity split it into 2 chems; the purity of the resultant chems are kept as 1, this tracks what the purity was before that)


increments everytime on_mob_life is called


Special data associated with the reagent that will be passed on upon transfer to a new holder.


The default reagent container for the reagent, used for icon generation


nor do they have descriptions


Icon for fallback item displayed in a tourist's thought bubble for if this reagent had no associated glass_style datum.


Icon state for fallback item displayed in a tourist's thought bubble for if this reagent had no associated glass_style datum.


The amount a robot will pay for a glass of this (20 units but can be higher if you pour more, be frugal!)


reagent holder this belongs to


What chem is metabolised when purity is below inverse_chem_val


If the impurity is below 0.5, replace ALL of the chem with inverse_chem upon metabolising


The molar mass of the reagent - if you're adding a reagent that doesn't have a recipe, just add a random number between 10 - 800. Higher numbers are "harder" but it's mostly arbitary.


Are we from a material? We might wanna know that for special stuff. Like metalgen. Is replaced with a ref of the material on New()


how fast the reagent is metabolized by the mob


A list of traits to apply while the reagent is being metabolized.


is it currently metabolizing


datums don't have names by default


above this overdoses happen


You fucked up and this is now triggering its overdose effects, purge that shit quick.


The set of exposure methods this penetrates skin with.


pH of the reagent


Multiplier of the amount purged by reagents such as calomel, multiver, syniver etc.


Purity of the reagent - for use with internal reaction mechanics only. Use below (creation_purity) if you're writing purity effects into a reagent's use mechanics.


A list of causes why this chem should skip being removed, if the length is 0 it will be removed from holder naturally, if this is >0 it will not be removed from the holder.


affects how far it travels when sprayed


When ordered in a restaurant, what custom order do we create?


if false stops metab in liverless mobs




used by taste messages


how this taste compares to others. Higher values means it is more noticable


pretend this is moles

Proc Details


This should only be called by the holder, so it's already handled clearing its references


Called whenever a reagent is on fire, or is in a holder that is on fire. (WIP)


Applies this reagent to an /atom


Applies this reagent to a /mob/living


Applies this reagent to an /obj


Applies this reagent to a /turf


Gets the inverse purity of this reagent. Mostly used when converting from a normal reagent to its inverse one.



Should return a associative list where keys are taste descriptions and values are strength ratios


Metabolizes a portion of the reagent after on_mob_life() is called


Used when you want the default reagents purity to be equal to the normal effects (i.e. if default purity is 0.75, and your reacted purity is 1, then it will return 1.33)



Called in burns.dm if the reagent has the REAGENT_AFFECTS_WOUNDS process flag


Called when this chemical is processed in a hydroponics tray.

Can affect plant's health, stats, or cause the plant to react in certain ways.


Called when two reagents of the same are mixing.


Called when this reagent is first added to a mob


Called when a reagent is inside of a mob when they are dead if the reagent has the REAGENT_DEAD_PROCESS flag Returning UPDATE_MOB_HEALTH will cause updatehealth() to be called on the holder mob by /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize.


Called when this reagent is removed while inside a mob


Called when this reagent stops being metabolized by a liver


Ticks on mob Life() for as long as the reagent remains in the mob's reagents.

Usage: Parent should be called first using . = ..()

Exceptions: If the holder var needs to be accessed, call the parent afterward that as it can become null if the reagent is fully removed.

Returns: UPDATE_MOB_HEALTH only if you need to update the health of a mob (this is only needed when damage is dealt to the mob)



Called when this reagent first starts being metabolized by a liver


Called after add_reagents creates a new reagent.


Called after a reagent is transferred


Called if the reagent has passed the overdose threshold and is set to be triggering overdose effects. Returning UPDATE_MOB_HEALTH will cause updatehealth() to be called on the holder mob by /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize.


Called when an overdose starts. Returning UPDATE_MOB_HEALTH will cause updatehealth() to be called on the holder mob by /datum/reagents/proc/metabolize.


Called when feeding a fish. If TRUE is returned, a portion of reagent will be consumed.