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boozepwr | Boozepwr Chart |
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Boozepwr Chart
Higher numbers equal higher hardness, higher hardness equals more intense alcohol poisoning
Note that all higher effects of alcohol poisoning will inherit effects for smaller amounts (i.e. light poisoning inherts from slight poisoning) In addition, severe effects won't always trigger unless the drink is poisonously strong All effects don't start immediately, but rather get worse over time; the rate is affected by the imbiber's alcohol tolerance (see /datum/status_effect/inebriated)
- 0: Non-alcoholic
- 1-10: Barely classifiable as alcohol - occassional slurring
- 11-20: Slight alcohol content - slurring
- 21-30: Below average - imbiber begins to look slightly drunk
- 31-40: Just below average - no unique effects
- 41-50: Average - mild disorientation, imbiber begins to look drunk
- 51-60: Just above average - disorientation, vomiting, imbiber begins to look heavily drunk
- 61-70: Above average - small chance of blurry vision, imbiber begins to look smashed
- 71-80: High alcohol content - blurry vision, imbiber completely shitfaced
- 81-90: Extremely high alcohol content - heavy toxin damage, passing out
- 91-100: Dangerously toxic - swift death