/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details


Poison stuff (Toxins & Acids)


health_requiredThe afflicted must be above this health value in order for the toxin to deal damage
liver_damage_multiplierThe amount to multiply the liver damage this toxin does by (Handled solely in liver code)
silent_toxinwon't produce a pain message when processed by liver/life() if there isn't another non-silent toxin present if true
toxpwrThe amount of toxin damage this will cause when metabolized (also used to calculate liver damage)

Var Details


The afflicted must be above this health value in order for the toxin to deal damage


The amount to multiply the liver damage this toxin does by (Handled solely in liver code)


won't produce a pain message when processed by liver/life() if there isn't another non-silent toxin present if true


The amount of toxin damage this will cause when metabolized (also used to calculate liver damage)