Religious Sects 
Religious Sects are a way to convert the fun of having an active 'god' (admin) to code-mechanics so you aren't having to press adminwho.
Sects are not meant to overwrite the fun of choosing a custom god/religion, but meant to enhance it. The idea is that Space Jesus (or whoever you worship) can be an evil bloodgod who takes the lifeforce out of people, a nature lover, or all things righteous and good. You decide!
Vars | |
active_rites | Currently Active (non-deleted) rites |
alignment | holder for alignments. |
altar_icon | Changes the Altar of Gods icon |
altar_icon_state | Changes the Altar of Gods icon_state |
candle_overlay | Whether the structure has CANDLE OVERLAYS! |
default_item_favor | The default value for an item that can be sacrificed |
desc | Opening message when someone gets converted |
desired_items | Turns into 'desired_items_typecache', and is optionally assoc'd to sacrifice instructions if needed. |
desired_items_typecache | Autopopulated by desired_items |
favor | The Sect's 'Mana' |
max_favor | The max amount of favor the sect can have |
name | Name of the religious sect |
quote | Flavorful quote given about the sect, used in tgui |
rites_list | Lists of rites by type. Converts itself into a list of rites with "name - desc (favor_cost)" = type |
smack_chance | Chance that we fail a bible blessing. |
starter | Does this require something before being available as an option? |
tgui_icon | Tgui icon used by this sect - |
Procs | |
adjust_favor | Adjust Favor by a certain amount. Can provide optional features based on a user. Returns actual amount added/removed |
can_sacrifice | Returns TRUE if the item can be sacrificed. Can be modified to fit item being tested as well as person offering. Returning TRUE will stop the attackby sequence and proceed to on_sacrifice. |
on_conversion | Activates once selected and on newjoins, oriented around people who become holy. |
on_deconversion | Activates if religious sect is reset by admins, should clean up anything you added on conversion. |
on_riteuse | Activates when an individual uses a rite. Can provide different/additional benefits depending on the user. |
on_sacrifice | Activates when the sect sacrifices an item. This proc has NO bearing on the attackby sequence of other objects when used in conjunction with the religious_tool component. |
on_select | Activates once selected |
sect_bless | Replaces the bible's bless mechanic. Return TRUE if you want to not do the brain hit. |
sect_dead_bless | What happens if we bless a corpse? By default just do the default smack behavior |
set_favor | Sets favor to a specific amount. Can provide optional features based on a user. |
tool_examine | Returns a description for religious tools |
Var Details
Currently Active (non-deleted) rites
holder for alignments.
Changes the Altar of Gods icon
Changes the Altar of Gods icon_state
Whether the structure has CANDLE OVERLAYS!
The default value for an item that can be sacrificed
Opening message when someone gets converted
Turns into 'desired_items_typecache', and is optionally assoc'd to sacrifice instructions if needed.
Autopopulated by desired_items
The Sect's 'Mana'
The max amount of favor the sect can have
Name of the religious sect
Flavorful quote given about the sect, used in tgui
Lists of rites by type. Converts itself into a list of rites with "name - desc (favor_cost)" = type
Chance that we fail a bible blessing.
Does this require something before being available as an option?
Tgui icon used by this sect -
Proc Details
Adjust Favor by a certain amount. Can provide optional features based on a user. Returns actual amount added/removed
Returns TRUE if the item can be sacrificed. Can be modified to fit item being tested as well as person offering. Returning TRUE will stop the attackby sequence and proceed to on_sacrifice.
Activates once selected and on newjoins, oriented around people who become holy.
Activates if religious sect is reset by admins, should clean up anything you added on conversion.
Activates when an individual uses a rite. Can provide different/additional benefits depending on the user.
Activates when the sect sacrifices an item. This proc has NO bearing on the attackby sequence of other objects when used in conjunction with the religious_tool component.
Activates once selected
Replaces the bible's bless mechanic. Return TRUE if you want to not do the brain hit.
What happens if we bless a corpse? By default just do the default smack behavior
Sets favor to a specific amount. Can provide optional features based on a user.
Returns a description for religious tools