Request Manager 
Handles all player requests (prayers, centcom requests, syndicate requests) that occur in the duration of a round.
Vars | |
requests | Associative list of ckey -> list of requests |
requests_by_id | List where requests can be accessed by ID |
Procs | |
client_login | Used in the new client pipeline to catch when clients are reconnecting and need to have their reference re-assigned to the 'owner' variable of any requests |
client_logout | Used in the destroy client pipeline to catch when clients are disconnecting and need to have their reference nulled on the 'owner' variable of any requests |
fax_request | Creates a request for fax answer |
message_centcom | Creates a request for a Centcom message |
message_syndicate | Creates a request for a Syndicate message |
music_request | Creates a request for a song |
nuke_request | Creates a request for the nuclear self destruct codes |
pray | Creates a request for a prayer, and notifies admins who have the sound notifications enabled when appropriate |
request_for_client | Creates a request and registers the request with all necessary internal tracking lists |
Var Details
Associative list of ckey -> list of requests
List where requests can be accessed by ID
Proc Details
Used in the new client pipeline to catch when clients are reconnecting and need to have their reference re-assigned to the 'owner' variable of any requests
- C - The client who is logging in
Used in the destroy client pipeline to catch when clients are disconnecting and need to have their reference nulled on the 'owner' variable of any requests
- C - The client who is logging out
Creates a request for fax answer
- requester - The client who is sending the request
- message - Paper with text.. some stamps.. and another things.
Creates a request for a Centcom message
- C - The client who is sending the request
- message - The message
Creates a request for a Syndicate message
- C - The client who is sending the request
- message - The message
Creates a request for a song
- requester - The client who is sending the request
- message - The URL of the song
Creates a request for the nuclear self destruct codes
- C - The client who is sending the request
- message - The message
Creates a request for a prayer, and notifies admins who have the sound notifications enabled when appropriate
- C - The client who is praying
- message - The prayer
- is_chaplain - Boolean operator describing if the prayer is from a chaplain
Creates a request and registers the request with all necessary internal tracking lists
- C - The client who is sending the request
- type - The type of request, see defines
- message - The message