/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Scientific paper datum for retrieval and re-reading. A lot of the variables are there for fluff & flavor.


authorThe principal author of our paper.
et_aliaWhether this paper is co-authored or not.
experiment_pathExperiment typepath.
gainsThe coop and funding gains from the paper.
partner_pathThe selected sponsor for our paper. Pathtype form.
tierDerived from tracked_variable. Used for indexing and to reduce duplicates. Only one paper can be published in each tier for each experiment.
titleThe title of our paper.
tracked_variableThe main "score" of a particular experiment.


calculate_gainsCalculate the gains of an experiment. Gain calculation follows a sigmoid curve. f(x) = L / (1+e^(-k(x-xo))) L is the upper limit. This should be the gain variable * 2. k is the steepness. x0 is the midpoint. x is our tracked variable. Returns the expected value of that tier.
calculate_tierSteepness is calculated so that f(x=0) is always 1. Determine which tier can we publish at. Lower limit for an allowed tier is 10% of gain. Empty list if none are allowed.
clone_intoClones into a new paper type. Important (non-fluff) variables will be carried over and should be cleaned with set_experiment by whoever is calling this.
return_gistReturns the formatted, readable gist of our paper in a list.
set_experimentExperiment -> Tier -> Gains Experiment -> Partners -> Gains Changing anything in the chain means those following it should be recounted.
set_tierSets a tier for us. Nulls the tier when called without args. Re-counts the amount.

Var Details




The principal author of our paper.


Whether this paper is co-authored or not.


Experiment typepath.


The coop and funding gains from the paper.


The selected sponsor for our paper. Pathtype form.


Derived from tracked_variable. Used for indexing and to reduce duplicates. Only one paper can be published in each tier for each experiment.


The title of our paper.


The main "score" of a particular experiment.

Proc Details



Calculate the gains of an experiment. Gain calculation follows a sigmoid curve. f(x) = L / (1+e^(-k(x-xo))) L is the upper limit. This should be the gain variable * 2. k is the steepness. x0 is the midpoint. x is our tracked variable. Returns the expected value of that tier.


Steepness is calculated so that f(x=0) is always 1. Determine which tier can we publish at. Lower limit for an allowed tier is 10% of gain. Empty list if none are allowed.


Clones into a new paper type. Important (non-fluff) variables will be carried over and should be cleaned with set_experiment by whoever is calling this.

clone_into your own typepath will be like a normal clone.

If you want to subtype this, do it in a way that doesn't mess with the type change.


Returns the formatted, readable gist of our paper in a list.



Experiment -> Tier -> Gains Experiment -> Partners -> Gains Changing anything in the chain means those following it should be recounted.

Used when assigning an experiment to a specific paper. Failing to provide a proper path, a tracked variable, or a correct data should null every non-fluff data. Implement this in the children procs.



Sets a tier for us. Nulls the tier when called without args. Re-counts the amount.