Various informations on companies/scientific programs/journals etc that the players can sign on to.
Vars | |
accepted_experiments | List of ordnance experiments that our partner is willing to accept. If this list is not filled it means the partner will accept everything. |
boostable_nodes | Associative list of which technology the partner might be able to boost and by how much. |
flufftext | Brief explanation of the associated program. Can be used for lore. |
multipliers | Cash and renown multiplier for allying with this partner. |
name | Name of the partner, shown in the Science program's UI. |
Var Details
List of ordnance experiments that our partner is willing to accept. If this list is not filled it means the partner will accept everything.
Associative list of which technology the partner might be able to boost and by how much.
Brief explanation of the associated program. Can be used for lore.
Cash and renown multiplier for allying with this partner.
Name of the partner, shown in the Science program's UI.