Contains effects of gases when absorbed by the sm. If the gas has no effects you do not need to add another sm_gas subtype, We already guard for nulls in /obj/machinery/power/supermatter_crystal/proc/calculate_gases
Vars | |
desc | Give a short description of the gas if needed. If the gas have extra effects describe it here. |
gas_path | Path of the /datum/gas involved with this interaction. |
heat_modifier | How much more waste heat and gas the SM generates. |
heat_power_generation | Lets the sm generate extra power from heat. Yeah... |
heat_resistance | How extra hot the SM can run before taking damage |
power_transmission | Influences zap power without interfering with the crystal's own energy. Gets scaled by BASE_POWER_TRANSMISSION_RATE. |
powerloss_inhibition | How much powerloss do we get rid of. |
Var Details
Give a short description of the gas if needed. If the gas have extra effects describe it here.
Path of the /datum/gas involved with this interaction.
How much more waste heat and gas the SM generates.
Lets the sm generate extra power from heat. Yeah...
How extra hot the SM can run before taking damage
Influences zap power without interfering with the crystal's own energy. Gets scaled by BASE_POWER_TRANSMISSION_RATE.
How much powerloss do we get rid of.