/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details

Spatial Grid Cell

used by /datum/controller/subsystem/spatial_grid to cover every z level so that the coordinates of every turf in the world corresponds to one of these in the subsystems list of grid cells by z level. each one of these contains content lists holding all atoms meeting a certain criteria that is in our borders. these datums shouldnt have significant behavior, they should just hold data. the lists are filled and emptied by the subsystem.


atmos_contentsevery atmos machine inside this cell
cell_xour x index in the list of cells. this is our index inside of our row list
cell_your y index in the list of cells. this is the index of our row list inside of our z level grid
cell_zwhich z level we belong to, corresponding to the index of our gridmap in SSspatial_grid.grids_by_z_level
client_contentsevery client possessed mob inside this cell
hearing_contentsevery hearing sensitive movable inside this cell

Var Details


every atmos machine inside this cell


our x index in the list of cells. this is our index inside of our row list


our y index in the list of cells. this is the index of our row list inside of our z level grid


which z level we belong to, corresponding to the index of our gridmap in SSspatial_grid.grids_by_z_level


every client possessed mob inside this cell


every hearing sensitive movable inside this cell