species datum 
Datum that handles different species in the game.
This datum handles species in the game, such as lizardpeople, mothmen, zombies, skeletons, etc. It is used in carbon humans to determine various things about them, like their food preferences, if they have biological genders, their damage resistances, and more.
Vars | |
ai_controlled_species | This supresses the "dosen't appear to be himself" examine text for if the mob is run by an AI controller. Should be used on any NPC human subtypes. Monkeys are the prime example. |
blood_deficiency_drain_rate | The rate at which blood is passively drained by having the blood deficiency quirk. Some races such as slimepeople can regen their blood at different rates so this is to account for that |
body_markings | Store body marking defines. See mobs.dm for bitflags |
bodypart_overrides | The bodyparts this species uses. assoc of bodypart string - bodypart type. Make sure all the fucking entries are in or I'll skin you alive. |
bodytemp_autorecovery_min | Minimum amount of kelvin moved toward normal body temperature per tick. |
bodytemp_cold_damage_limit | The body temperature limit the body can take before it starts taking damage from cold. |
bodytemp_heat_damage_limit | The body temperature limit the body can take before it starts taking damage from heat. |
bodytemp_normal | The natural temperature for a body |
breathid | What gas does this species breathe? Used by suffocation screen alerts, most of actual gas breathing is handled by mutantlungs. See [life.dm][code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/life.dm] |
changesource_flags | Bitflag that controls what in game ways something can select this species as a spawnable source, such as magic mirrors. See mob defines for possible sources. |
coldmod | multiplier for damage from cold temperature |
damage_modifier | Flat modifier on all damage taken via apply_damage (so being punched, shot, etc.) IE: 10 = 10% less damage taken. |
death_sound | Used to set the mob's death_sound upon species change |
digitigrade_customization | Never, Optional, or Forced digi legs? |
examine_limb_id | This is used for children, it will determine their default limb ID for use of examine. See [/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/examine]. |
exotic_blood | If your race bleeds something other than bog standard blood, change this to reagent id. For example, ethereals bleed liquid electricity. |
exotic_bloodtype | If your race uses a non standard bloodtype (A+, O-, AB-, etc). For example, lizards have L type blood. |
facial_hair_alpha | The alpha used by the facial hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is invisible. |
family_heirlooms | List of family heirlooms this species can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types. |
fire_overlay | The icon_state of the fire overlay added when sufficently ablaze and standing. see onfire.dmi |
fixed_mut_color | To use MUTCOLOR with a fixed color that's independent of the mcolor feature in DNA. |
gib_anim | What anim to use for gibbing |
grab_sound | Special sound for grabbing |
hair_alpha | The alpha used by the hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is invisible. |
hair_color_mode | This allows races to have specific hair colors. If null, it uses the mob's hair/facial hair colors. If USE_MUTANT_COLOR, it uses the mob's mutant_color. If USE_FIXED_MUTANT_COLOR, it uses fixedmutcolor |
heatmod | multiplier for damage from hot temperature |
id | If the game needs to manually check your race to do something not included in a proc here, it will use this. |
inert_mutation | Special mutation that can be found in the genepool exclusively in this species. Dont leave empty or changing species will be a headache |
inherent_biotypes | List of biotypes the mob belongs to. Used by diseases. |
inherent_factions | List of factions the mob gain upon gaining this species. |
inherent_respiration_type | The type of respiration the mob is capable of doing. Used by adjustOxyLoss. |
inherent_traits | Generic traits tied to having the species. |
knife_butcher_results | List of results you get from knife-butchering. null means you cant butcher it. Associated by resulting type - value of amount |
max_bodypart_count | The maximum number of bodyparts this species can have. |
meat | What the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine. |
mutant_organs | Internal organs that are unique to this race, like a tail or other cosmetic organs. list(typepath of organ 1, typepath of organ 2 = "Round"). |
mutantappendix | Replaces default appendix with a different organ. |
mutantbrain | Replaces default brain with a different organ |
mutantears | Replaces default ears with a different organ |
mutanteyes | Replaces default eyes with a different organ |
mutantheart | Replaces default heart with a different organ |
mutantliver | Replaces default liver with a different organ |
mutantlungs | Replaces default lungs with a different organ |
mutantstomach | Replaces default stomach with a different organ |
mutanttongue | Replaces default tongue with a different organ |
name | This is the fluff name. They are displayed on health analyzers and in the character setup menu. Leave them generic for other servers to customize. |
no_equip_flags | flags for inventory slots the race can't equip stuff to. Golems cannot wear jumpsuits, for example. |
outfit_important_for_life | A path to an outfit that is important for species life e.g. plasmaman outfit |
outfit_override_registry | A list containing outfits that will be overridden in the species_equip_outfit proc. [Key = Typepath passed in] [Value = Typepath of outfit you want to equip for this specific species instead]. |
payday_modifier | multiplier for money paid at payday |
plural_form | The formatting of the name of the species in plural context. Defaults to "[name]\s" if unset. Ex "[Plasmamen] are weak", "[Mothmen] are strong", "[Lizardpeople] don't like", "[Golems] hate" |
preload | Should we preload this species's organs? |
prevent_perspective_change | Do we try to prevent reset_perspective() from working? Useful for Dullahans to stop perspective changes when they're looking through their head. |
properly_gained | Was on_species_gain ever actually called? Species code is really odd... |
roundstart_changed | Was the species changed from its original type at the start of the round? |
sexes | Whether or not the race has sexual characteristics (biological genders). At the moment this is only FALSE for skeletons and shadows |
siemens_coeff | Base electrocution coefficient. Basically a multiplier for damage from electrocutions. |
skinned_type | What skin the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine. |
smoker_lungs | Smoker lungs for the quirk, overriden by certain species |
species_cookie | Unique cookie given by admins through prayers |
species_language_holder | What languages this species can understand and say. Use a language holder datum typepath in this var. Should never be null. |
stunmod | multiplier for stun durations |
Procs | |
add_body_markings | Add species appropriate body markings |
apply_burn_wounds | Used to apply burn wounds on random limbs |
body_temperature_alerts | Used to set alerts and debuffs based on body temperature vars: |
body_temperature_core | Used to stabilize the core temperature back to normal on living mobs |
body_temperature_damage | Used to apply wounds and damage based on core/body temp vars: |
body_temperature_skin | Used to normalize the skin temperature on living mobs |
check_head_flags | Checks if the species has a head with these head flags, by default. Admittedly, this is a very weird and seemingly redundant proc, but it gets used by some preferences (such as hair style) to determine whether or not they are accessible. |
check_roundstart_eligible | Checks if a species is eligible to be picked at roundstart. |
copy_properties_from | Copies some vars and properties over that should be kept when creating a copy of this species. |
create_fresh_body | Creates body parts for the target completely from scratch based on the species |
create_pref_biotypes_perks | Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_biotypes flags. |
create_pref_blood_perks | Adds adds any perks related to the species' blood (or lack thereof). |
create_pref_damage_perks | Adds adds any perks related to sustaining damage. For example, brute damage vulnerability, or fire damage resistance. |
create_pref_language_perk | Adds in a language perk based on all the languages the species can speak by default (according to their language holder). |
create_pref_organs_perks | Adds any perks relating to inherent differences to this species' organs. This proc is only suitable for generic differences, like alcohol tolerance, or heat threshold for breathing. |
create_pref_temperature_perks | Adds adds any perks related to how the species deals with temperature. |
create_pref_traits_perks | Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_traits list. |
create_pref_unique_perks | Used to add any species specific perks to the perk list. |
get_cough_sound | Returns the species' cough sound. |
get_cry_sound | Returns the species' cry sound. |
get_features | Returns a list of strings representing features this species has. Used by the preferences UI to know what buttons to show. |
get_fixed_hair_color | Get what hair color is used by this species for a mob. |
get_hiss_sound | Returns the species' hiss sound |
get_laugh_sound | Returns the species' laugh sound |
get_mutant_organ_type_for_slot | Gets the default mutant organ for the species based on the provided slot. |
get_physical_attributes | Gets a description of the species' physical attributes. What makes playing as one different. Used in magic mirrors. |
get_scream_sound | Returns the species' scream sound. |
get_sigh_sound | Returns the species' sigh sound. |
get_sneeze_sound | Returns the species' sneeze sound. |
get_sniff_sound | Returns the species' sniff sound. |
get_snore_sound | Returns the species' snore sound. |
get_species_description | Gets a short description for the specices. Should be relatively succinct. Used in the preference menu. |
get_species_diet | Translate the species liked foods from bitfields into strings and returns it in the form of an associated list. |
get_species_lore | Gets the lore behind the type of species. Can be long. Used in the preference menu. |
get_species_perks | Generates a list of "perks" related to this species (Postives, neutrals, and negatives) in the format of a list of lists. Used in the preference menu. |
give_important_for_life | Equip the outfit required for life. Replaces items currently worn. |
go_bald | Makes the target human bald. |
handle_body | Handles the body of a human |
handle_body_temperature | Body temperature handler for species |
handle_chemical | Handling special reagent interactions. |
handle_environment | Environment handler for species |
handle_environment_pressure | Handle the air pressure of the environment |
handle_radiation | Species based handling for irradiation |
harm | This proc handles punching damage. IMPORTANT: Our owner is the TARGET and not the USER in this proc. For whatever reason... |
normalize_blood | Normalizes blood in a human if it is excessive. If it is above BLOOD_VOLUME_NORMAL, this will clamp it to that value. It will not give the human more blodo than they have less than this value. |
on_owner_login | Owner login |
on_species_gain | Proc called when a carbon becomes this species. |
on_species_loss | Proc called when a carbon is no longer this species. |
pre_equip_species_outfit | Equips the necessary species-relevant gear before putting on the rest of the uniform. |
prepare_human_for_preview | Given a human, will adjust it before taking a picture for the preferences UI. This should create a CONSISTENT result, so the icons don't randomly change. |
randomize_active_underwear | Proc that will randomise the underwear (i.e. top, pants and socks) of a species' associated mob |
randomize_active_underwear_only | Proc that will randomise the underwear (i.e. top, pants and socks) of a species' associated mob, but will not update the body right away. |
randomize_features | Returns a list of features, randomized, to be used by DNA |
randomize_main_appearance_element | Proc that will randomise the hair, or primary appearance element (i.e. for moths wings) of a species' associated mob |
regenerate_organs | Corrects organs in a carbon, removing ones it doesn't need and adding ones it does. |
remove_body_markings | Remove body markings |
replace_body | Handles replacing all of the bodyparts with their species version during set_species() |
stagger_combo | Handles the stagger combo effect of our punch. Follows the same logic as the above proc, target is our owner, user is our attacker. |
update_species_heights | Calculates the expected height values for this species |
Var Details
This supresses the "dosen't appear to be himself" examine text for if the mob is run by an AI controller. Should be used on any NPC human subtypes. Monkeys are the prime example.
The rate at which blood is passively drained by having the blood deficiency quirk. Some races such as slimepeople can regen their blood at different rates so this is to account for that
Store body marking defines. See mobs.dm for bitflags
The bodyparts this species uses. assoc of bodypart string - bodypart type. Make sure all the fucking entries are in or I'll skin you alive.
Minimum amount of kelvin moved toward normal body temperature per tick.
The body temperature limit the body can take before it starts taking damage from cold.
The body temperature limit the body can take before it starts taking damage from heat.
The natural temperature for a body
What gas does this species breathe? Used by suffocation screen alerts, most of actual gas breathing is handled by mutantlungs. See [life.dm][code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/life.dm]
Bitflag that controls what in game ways something can select this species as a spawnable source, such as magic mirrors. See mob defines for possible sources.
multiplier for damage from cold temperature
Flat modifier on all damage taken via apply_damage (so being punched, shot, etc.) IE: 10 = 10% less damage taken.
Used to set the mob's death_sound upon species change
Never, Optional, or Forced digi legs?
This is used for children, it will determine their default limb ID for use of examine. See [/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/examine].
If your race bleeds something other than bog standard blood, change this to reagent id. For example, ethereals bleed liquid electricity.
If your race uses a non standard bloodtype (A+, O-, AB-, etc). For example, lizards have L type blood.
The alpha used by the facial hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is invisible.
List of family heirlooms this species can get with the family heirloom quirk. List of types.
The icon_state of the fire overlay added when sufficently ablaze and standing. see onfire.dmi
To use MUTCOLOR with a fixed color that's independent of the mcolor feature in DNA.
What anim to use for gibbing
Special sound for grabbing
The alpha used by the hair. 255 is completely solid, 0 is invisible.
This allows races to have specific hair colors. If null, it uses the mob's hair/facial hair colors. If USE_MUTANT_COLOR, it uses the mob's mutant_color. If USE_FIXED_MUTANT_COLOR, it uses fixedmutcolor
multiplier for damage from hot temperature
If the game needs to manually check your race to do something not included in a proc here, it will use this.
Special mutation that can be found in the genepool exclusively in this species. Dont leave empty or changing species will be a headache
List of biotypes the mob belongs to. Used by diseases.
List of factions the mob gain upon gaining this species.
The type of respiration the mob is capable of doing. Used by adjustOxyLoss.
Generic traits tied to having the species.
List of results you get from knife-butchering. null means you cant butcher it. Associated by resulting type - value of amount
The maximum number of bodyparts this species can have.
What the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine.
Internal organs that are unique to this race, like a tail or other cosmetic organs. list(typepath of organ 1, typepath of organ 2 = "Round").
Replaces default appendix with a different organ.
Replaces default brain with a different organ
Replaces default ears with a different organ
Replaces default eyes with a different organ
Replaces default heart with a different organ
Replaces default liver with a different organ
Replaces default lungs with a different organ
Replaces default stomach with a different organ
Replaces default tongue with a different organ
This is the fluff name. They are displayed on health analyzers and in the character setup menu. Leave them generic for other servers to customize.
flags for inventory slots the race can't equip stuff to. Golems cannot wear jumpsuits, for example.
A path to an outfit that is important for species life e.g. plasmaman outfit
A list containing outfits that will be overridden in the species_equip_outfit proc. [Key = Typepath passed in] [Value = Typepath of outfit you want to equip for this specific species instead].
multiplier for money paid at payday
The formatting of the name of the species in plural context. Defaults to "[name]\s" if unset. Ex "[Plasmamen] are weak", "[Mothmen] are strong", "[Lizardpeople] don't like", "[Golems] hate"
Should we preload this species's organs?
Do we try to prevent reset_perspective() from working? Useful for Dullahans to stop perspective changes when they're looking through their head.
Was on_species_gain ever actually called? Species code is really odd...
Was the species changed from its original type at the start of the round?
Whether or not the race has sexual characteristics (biological genders). At the moment this is only FALSE for skeletons and shadows
Base electrocution coefficient. Basically a multiplier for damage from electrocutions.
What skin the species drops when gibbed by a gibber machine.
Smoker lungs for the quirk, overriden by certain species
Unique cookie given by admins through prayers
What languages this species can understand and say. Use a language holder datum typepath in this var. Should never be null.
multiplier for stun durations
Proc Details
Add species appropriate body markings
Used to apply burn wounds on random limbs
This is called from body_temperature_damage when exposure to extream heat adds up and causes a wound. The wounds will increase in severity as the temperature increases. vars:
- humi (required) The mob we will targeting
Used to set alerts and debuffs based on body temperature vars:
- humi (required) The mob we will targeting
Used to stabilize the core temperature back to normal on living mobs
The metabolisim heats up the core of the mob trying to keep it at the normal body temp vars:
- humi (required) The mob we will stabilize
Used to apply wounds and damage based on core/body temp vars:
- humi (required) The mob we will targeting
Used to normalize the skin temperature on living mobs
The core temp effects the skin, then the enviroment effects the skin, then we refect that back to the core. This happens even when dead so bodies revert to room temp over time. vars:
- humi (required) The mob we will targeting
- seconds_per_tick: The amount of time that is considered as elapsing
- times_fired: The number of times SSmobs has fired
Checks if the species has a head with these head flags, by default. Admittedly, this is a very weird and seemingly redundant proc, but it gets used by some preferences (such as hair style) to determine whether or not they are accessible.
Checks if a species is eligible to be picked at roundstart.
Checks the config to see if this species is allowed to be picked in the character setup menu. Used by /proc/generate_selectable_species_and_languages.
Copies some vars and properties over that should be kept when creating a copy of this species.
Used by slimepeople to copy themselves, and by the DNA datum to hardset DNA to a species Arguments:
- old_species - The species that the carbon used to be before copying
Creates body parts for the target completely from scratch based on the species
Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_biotypes flags.
Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.
Adds adds any perks related to the species' blood (or lack thereof).
Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.
Adds adds any perks related to sustaining damage. For example, brute damage vulnerability, or fire damage resistance.
Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.
Adds in a language perk based on all the languages the species can speak by default (according to their language holder).
Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.
Adds any perks relating to inherent differences to this species' organs. This proc is only suitable for generic differences, like alcohol tolerance, or heat threshold for breathing.
Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.
Adds adds any perks related to how the species deals with temperature.
Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.
Adds adds any perks related to the species' inherent_traits list.
Returns a list containing perks, or an empty list.
Used to add any species specific perks to the perk list.
Returns null by default. When overriding, return a list of perks.
Returns the species' cough sound.
Returns the species' cry sound.
Returns a list of strings representing features this species has. Used by the preferences UI to know what buttons to show.
Get what hair color is used by this species for a mob.
- for_mob - The mob to get the hair color for. Required.
Returns a color string or null.
Returns the species' hiss sound
Returns the species' laugh sound
Gets the default mutant organ for the species based on the provided slot.
Gets a description of the species' physical attributes. What makes playing as one different. Used in magic mirrors.
Returns a string.
Returns the species' scream sound.
Returns the species' sigh sound.
Returns the species' sneeze sound.
Returns the species' sniff sound.
Returns the species' snore sound.
Gets a short description for the specices. Should be relatively succinct. Used in the preference menu.
Returns a string.
Translate the species liked foods from bitfields into strings and returns it in the form of an associated list.
Returns a list, or null if they have no diet.
Gets the lore behind the type of species. Can be long. Used in the preference menu.
Returns a list of strings. Between each entry in the list, a newline will be inserted, for formatting.
Generates a list of "perks" related to this species (Postives, neutrals, and negatives) in the format of a list of lists. Used in the preference menu.
"Perk" format is as followed: list( SPECIES_PERK_TYPE = type of perk (postiive, negative, neutral - use the defines) SPECIES_PERK_ICON = icon shown within the UI SPECIES_PERK_NAME = name of the perk on hover SPECIES_PERK_DESC = description of the perk on hover )
Returns a list of lists. The outer list is an assoc list of [perk type]s to a list of perks. The innter list is a list of perks. Can be empty, but won't be null.
Equip the outfit required for life. Replaces items currently worn.
Makes the target human bald.
- target: The mob to make go bald.
Handles the body of a human
Handles lipstick, having no eyes, eye color, undergarnments like underwear, undershirts, and socks, and body layers. Arguments:
- species_human - Human, whoever we're handling the body for
Body temperature handler for species
These procs manage body temp, bamage, and alerts Some of these will still fire when not alive to balance body temp to the room temp. vars:
- humi (required)(type: /mob/living/carbon/human) The mob we will target
Handling special reagent interactions.
Return null continue running the normal on_mob_life() for that reagent. Return COMSIG_MOB_STOP_REAGENT_CHECK to not run the normal metabolism effects.
NOTE: If you return COMSIG_MOB_STOP_REAGENT_CHECK, that reagent will not be removed liike normal! You must handle it manually.
Environment handler for species
- environment (required) The environment gas mix
- humi (required)(type: /mob/living/carbon/human) The mob we will target
Handle the air pressure of the environment
Species based handling for irradiation
- source: The mob requesting handling
- time_since_irradiated: The amount of time since the mob was first irradiated
- seconds_per_tick: The amount of time that has passed since the last tick
This proc handles punching damage. IMPORTANT: Our owner is the TARGET and not the USER in this proc. For whatever reason...
Normalizes blood in a human if it is excessive. If it is above BLOOD_VOLUME_NORMAL, this will clamp it to that value. It will not give the human more blodo than they have less than this value.
Owner login
A simple proc to be overwritten if something needs to be done when a mob logs in. Does nothing by default.
- owner - The owner of our species.
Proc called when a carbon becomes this species.
This sets up and adds/changes/removes things, qualities, abilities, and traits so that the transformation is as smooth and bugfree as possible. Produces a COMSIG_SPECIES_GAIN signal. Arguments:
- C - Carbon, this is whoever became the new species.
- old_species - The species that the carbon used to be before becoming this race, used for regenerating organs.
- pref_load - Preferences to be loaded from character setup, loads in preferred mutant things like bodyparts, digilegs, skin color, etc.
- regenerate_icons - Whether or not to update the bodies icons
Proc called when a carbon is no longer this species.
This sets up and adds/changes/removes things, qualities, abilities, and traits so that the transformation is as smooth and bugfree as possible. Produces a COMSIG_SPECIES_LOSS signal. Arguments:
- C - Carbon, this is whoever lost this species.
- new_species - The new species that the carbon became, used for genetics mutations.
- pref_load - Preferences to be loaded from character setup, loads in preferred mutant things like bodyparts, digilegs, skin color, etc.
Equips the necessary species-relevant gear before putting on the rest of the uniform.
Given a human, will adjust it before taking a picture for the preferences UI. This should create a CONSISTENT result, so the icons don't randomly change.
Proc that will randomise the underwear (i.e. top, pants and socks) of a species' associated mob
Proc that will randomise the underwear (i.e. top, pants and socks) of a species' associated mob, but will not update the body right away.
Returns a list of features, randomized, to be used by DNA
Proc that will randomise the hair, or primary appearance element (i.e. for moths wings) of a species' associated mob
Corrects organs in a carbon, removing ones it doesn't need and adding ones it does.
Takes all organ slots, removes organs a species should not have, adds organs a species should have. can use replace_current to refresh all organs, creating an entirely new set.
- organ_holder - carbon, the owner of the species datum AKA whoever we're regenerating organs in
- old_species - datum, used when regenerate organs is called in a switching species to remove old mutant organs.
- replace_current - boolean, forces all old organs to get deleted whether or not they pass the species' ability to keep that organ
- excluded_zones - list, add zone defines to block organs inside of the zones from getting handled. see headless mutation for an example
- visual_only - boolean, only load organs that change how the species looks. Do not use for normal gameplay stuff
Remove body markings
Handles replacing all of the bodyparts with their species version during set_species()
Handles the stagger combo effect of our punch. Follows the same logic as the above proc, target is our owner, user is our attacker.
Calculates the expected height values for this species
Return a height value corresponding to a specific height filter Return null to just use the mob's base height