/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



location_typeWhat area (typepath) the desired machine is in. Can be pre-set for subtypes. If set, requires the machine to be in the location_type. If not set, picks a random machine from all areas it can currently be found in.
original_options_weakrefsList of weakrefs to all machines of the target type when the bounty was initialized.
target_typeWhat machine (typepath) we want to steal.

Var Details


What area (typepath) the desired machine is in. Can be pre-set for subtypes. If set, requires the machine to be in the location_type. If not set, picks a random machine from all areas it can currently be found in.


List of weakrefs to all machines of the target type when the bounty was initialized.


What machine (typepath) we want to steal.