Shadow cloak effect. Conceals the owner in a cloud of purple smoke, making them unidentifiable. Also comes with some other buffs and debuffs - faster movespeed, slower actionspeed, etc.
Vars | |
cloak_image | The image we place over the owner |
damage_before_reveal | How much damage we can be hit with before it starts rolling reveal chances |
damage_sustained | How much damage we've been hit with |
Procs | |
on_body_position_change | Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_SET_BODY_POSITION, handles rotating the effect when we're downed |
on_damaged | Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_APPLY_DAMAGE, being damaged past a threshold will roll a chance to stop the effect |
on_dir_change | Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_DIR_CHANGE, handles turning the effect as we turn |
on_move | Signal proc for COMSIG_MOVABLE_MOVED, leaves a cool looking trail behind us as we walk |
on_stat_change | Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_STATCHANGE, going past soft crit will stop the effect |
Var Details
The image we place over the owner
How much damage we can be hit with before it starts rolling reveal chances
How much damage we've been hit with
Proc Details
Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_SET_BODY_POSITION, handles rotating the effect when we're downed
Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_APPLY_DAMAGE, being damaged past a threshold will roll a chance to stop the effect
Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_DIR_CHANGE, handles turning the effect as we turn
Signal proc for COMSIG_MOVABLE_MOVED, leaves a cool looking trail behind us as we walk
Signal proc for COMSIG_MOB_STATCHANGE, going past soft crit will stop the effect