Status effects that can stack.
Vars | |
consumed_on_threshold | If TRUE, the status effect is consumed / removed when stack_threshold is met |
delay_before_decay | (first stack will be removed at this time plus tick_interval) |
max_stacks | The maximum number of stacks that can be applied |
overlay_file | Icon file for overlays applied when the status effect is applied |
overlay_state | Icon state for overlays applied when the status effect is applied States in the file must be given a name, followed by a number which corresponds to a number of stacks. Put the state name without the number in these state vars |
stack_decay | How many stacks are lost per tick (decay trigger) |
stack_threshold | The threshold for having special effects occur when a certain stack number is reached |
stacks | How many stacks are currently accumulated. Also, the default stacks number given on application. |
status_overlay | A reference to our overlay appearance |
status_underlay | A reference to our underlay appearance |
threshold_crossed | Set to true once the stack_threshold is crossed, and false once it falls back below |
underlay_file | Icon file for underlays applied when the status effect is applied |
underlay_state | Icon state for underlays applied when the status effect is applied The number is concatenated onto the string based on the number of stacks to get the correct state name. |
Procs | |
add_stacks | Add (or remove) [stacks_added] stacks to our current stack count. |
can_gain_stacks | Whether the owner can currently gain stacks or not Return FALSE if the owner is not in a valid state, or TRUE otherwise |
can_have_status | Whether the owner can have the status effect. Return FALSE if the owner is not in a valid state (self-deletes the effect), or TRUE otherwise |
fadeout_effect | Effects that occur if the status is removed due to being under 1 remaining stack |
on_threshold_cross | Called when the stack_threshold is crossed (stacks go over the threshold) |
on_threshold_drop | Called when the stack_threshold is uncrossed / dropped (stacks go under the threshold after being over it) |
stack_decay_effect | Runs every time tick(), causes stacks to decay over time |
stacks_consumed_effect | Effects that occur if the status effect is removed due to the stack_threshold being crossed |
threshold_cross_effect | Effects that occur when the stack count crosses stack_threshold |
Var Details
If TRUE, the status effect is consumed / removed when stack_threshold is met
(first stack will be removed at this time plus tick_interval)
The maximum number of stacks that can be applied
Icon file for overlays applied when the status effect is applied
Icon state for overlays applied when the status effect is applied States in the file must be given a name, followed by a number which corresponds to a number of stacks. Put the state name without the number in these state vars
How many stacks are lost per tick (decay trigger)
The threshold for having special effects occur when a certain stack number is reached
How many stacks are currently accumulated. Also, the default stacks number given on application.
A reference to our overlay appearance
A reference to our underlay appearance
Set to true once the stack_threshold is crossed, and false once it falls back below
Icon file for underlays applied when the status effect is applied
Icon state for underlays applied when the status effect is applied The number is concatenated onto the string based on the number of stacks to get the correct state name.
Proc Details
Add (or remove) [stacks_added] stacks to our current stack count.
Whether the owner can currently gain stacks or not Return FALSE if the owner is not in a valid state, or TRUE otherwise
Whether the owner can have the status effect. Return FALSE if the owner is not in a valid state (self-deletes the effect), or TRUE otherwise
Effects that occur if the status is removed due to being under 1 remaining stack
Called when the stack_threshold is crossed (stacks go over the threshold)
Called when the stack_threshold is uncrossed / dropped (stacks go under the threshold after being over it)
Runs every time tick(), causes stacks to decay over time
Effects that occur if the status effect is removed due to the stack_threshold being crossed
Effects that occur when the stack count crosses stack_threshold