Status effect tracking being tased by someone!
Vars | |
electrode_name | What do we name the electrodes? |
energy_drain | How much energy does the taser use per tick? |
firer | What atom is using the atom tasing us? Sometimes the same as the taser, such as with turrets. |
stamina_per_second | How much stamina damage does it aim to cause in a second? |
tase_line | The beam datum representing the taser electrodes |
tase_range | How far can the taser reach? |
taser | What atom is tasing us? |
Procs | |
can_tase_with | Checks if the passed atom is captable of being used to tase someone |
do_tase_with | Actually does the tasing with the passed atom Returns TRUE if the tasing was successful, FALSE if it failed |
set_firer | Sets the passed atom as the person operating the taser, the "firer" |
set_taser | Sets the passed atom as the "taser" |
Var Details
What do we name the electrodes?
How much energy does the taser use per tick?
What atom is using the atom tasing us? Sometimes the same as the taser, such as with turrets.
How much stamina damage does it aim to cause in a second?
The beam datum representing the taser electrodes
How far can the taser reach?
What atom is tasing us?
Proc Details
Checks if the passed atom is captable of being used to tase someone
Actually does the tasing with the passed atom Returns TRUE if the tasing was successful, FALSE if it failed
Sets the passed atom as the person operating the taser, the "firer"
Sets the passed atom as the "taser"