The "Give everyone in the crew and also latejoins a buncha stuff" controller. Used for summon magic and summon guns.
Vars | |
survivor_probability | Prob. chance someone who is given things will be made a survivalist antagonist. |
Procs | |
can_give_to | Determins if the mob is valid to be given whatever we're handing out. |
equip_all_affected | Called manually to give out our things to all minds returned by [proc/get_affected_minds()] |
equip_latejoiner | Called via signal to equip latejoin crewmembers |
get_affected_minds | Returns a list of minds of all mobs affected by what we're giving out. |
on_latejoin | Signal proc from COMSIG_GLOB_CREWMEMBER_JOINED. Calls give_proc_path on latejoiners a number of times (based on num_to_give_to_latejoiners) |
Var Details
Prob. chance someone who is given things will be made a survivalist antagonist.
Proc Details
Determins if the mob is valid to be given whatever we're handing out.
Called manually to give out our things to all minds returned by [proc/get_affected_minds()]
Called via signal to equip latejoin crewmembers
Returns a list of minds of all mobs affected by what we're giving out.
Signal proc from COMSIG_GLOB_CREWMEMBER_JOINED. Calls give_proc_path on latejoiners a number of times (based on num_to_give_to_latejoiners)