A datum representing a research techweb
Techweb datums are meant to store unlocked research, being able to be stored on research consoles, servers, and disks. They are NOT global.
Vars | |
available_experiments | This is a list of all incomplete experiment datums that are accessible for scientists to complete |
available_nodes | Nodes that can immediately be researched, all reqs met. assoc list, id = TRUE |
boosted_nodes | Already boosted nodes that can't be boosted again. node id = path of boost object. |
completed_experiments | A list of all experiment datums that have been complete |
consoles_accessing | All RD consoles connected to this individual techweb. |
custom_designs | Custom inserted designs like from disks that should survive recalculation. |
deconstructed_items | List of items already deconstructed for research points, preventing infinite research point generation. |
discovered_mutations | Mutations discovered by genetics, this way they are shared and cant be destroyed by destroying a single console |
hidden_nodes | Hidden nodes. id = TRUE. Used for unhiding nodes when requirements are met by removing the entry of the node. |
id | The id/name of the whole Techweb viewable to players. |
income_modifier | A multiplier applied to all research gain, cut in half if the Master server was sabotaged. |
last_bitcoins | Current per-second production, used for display only. |
last_income | The amount of research points generated the techweb generated the latest time it generated. |
organization | Organization name, used for display |
published_papers | Assoc list of papers already published by the crew. published_papers[experiment_typepath][tier] = paper Filled with nulls on init, populated only on publication. |
research_logs | Game logs of research nodes, "node_name" "node_cost" "node_researcher" "node_research_location" |
research_points | Available research points, type = number |
research_queue_nodes | Assoc list of nodes queued for automatic research when there are enough points available research_queue_nodes[node_id] = user_enqueued |
researched_designs | Designs that are available for use. Assoc list, id = TRUE |
researched_nodes | Already unlocked and all designs are now available. Assoc list, id = TRUE |
scientific_cooperation | Assoc list of relationships with various partners scientific_cooperation[partner_typepath] = relationship |
should_generate_points | Boolean on whether the techweb should generate research points overtime. |
skipped_experiment_types | Assoc list of all experiment datums that have been skipped, to tech point reward for completing them - That is, upon researching a node without completing its associated discounts, their experiments go here. Completing these experiments will have a refund. |
techweb_servers | All research servers connected to this individual techweb. |
tiers | Assoc list, id = number, 1 is available, 2 is all reqs are 1, so on |
visible_nodes | Visible nodes, doesn't mean it can be researched. Assoc list, id = TRUE |
Procs | |
add_design_by_id | add_design_by_id The main way to add add designs to techweb Uses the techweb node's ID Args: id - the ID of the techweb node to research custom - Boolean on whether the node should also be added to custom_designs add_to - A custom list to add the node to, overwriting research_designs. |
add_experiment | Adds an experiment to this techweb by its type, ensures that no duplicates are added. |
add_experiments | Adds a list of experiments to this techweb by their types, ensures that no duplicates are added. |
add_scientific_paper | Publish the paper into our techweb. Cancel if we are not allowed to. |
boost_techweb_node | Boosts a techweb node. |
can_unlock_node | Checks if a node can be unlocked on this techweb, having the required points and experiments |
complete_experiment | Notifies the techweb that an experiment has been completed, updating internal state of the techweb to reflect this. |
have_experiments_for_node | Checks if all experiments have been completed for a given node on this techweb |
initialize_published_papers | Fill published_papers with nulls. |
unhide_node | Removes a node from the hidden_nodes list, making it viewable and researchable (if no experiments are required). |
Var Details
This is a list of all incomplete experiment datums that are accessible for scientists to complete
Nodes that can immediately be researched, all reqs met. assoc list, id = TRUE
Already boosted nodes that can't be boosted again. node id = path of boost object.
A list of all experiment datums that have been complete
All RD consoles connected to this individual techweb.
Custom inserted designs like from disks that should survive recalculation.
List of items already deconstructed for research points, preventing infinite research point generation.
Mutations discovered by genetics, this way they are shared and cant be destroyed by destroying a single console
Hidden nodes. id = TRUE. Used for unhiding nodes when requirements are met by removing the entry of the node.
The id/name of the whole Techweb viewable to players.
A multiplier applied to all research gain, cut in half if the Master server was sabotaged.
Current per-second production, used for display only.
The amount of research points generated the techweb generated the latest time it generated.
Organization name, used for display
Assoc list of papers already published by the crew. published_papers[experiment_typepath][tier] = paper Filled with nulls on init, populated only on publication.
Game logs of research nodes, "node_name" "node_cost" "node_researcher" "node_research_location"
Available research points, type = number
Assoc list of nodes queued for automatic research when there are enough points available research_queue_nodes[node_id] = user_enqueued
Designs that are available for use. Assoc list, id = TRUE
Already unlocked and all designs are now available. Assoc list, id = TRUE
Assoc list of relationships with various partners scientific_cooperation[partner_typepath] = relationship
Boolean on whether the techweb should generate research points overtime.
Assoc list of all experiment datums that have been skipped, to tech point reward for completing them - That is, upon researching a node without completing its associated discounts, their experiments go here. Completing these experiments will have a refund.
All research servers connected to this individual techweb.
Assoc list, id = number, 1 is available, 2 is all reqs are 1, so on
Visible nodes, doesn't mean it can be researched. Assoc list, id = TRUE
Proc Details
add_design_by_id The main way to add add designs to techweb Uses the techweb node's ID Args: id - the ID of the techweb node to research custom - Boolean on whether the node should also be added to custom_designs add_to - A custom list to add the node to, overwriting research_designs.
Adds an experiment to this techweb by its type, ensures that no duplicates are added.
- experiment_type - the type of the experiment to add
Adds a list of experiments to this techweb by their types, ensures that no duplicates are added.
- experiment_list - the list of types of experiments to add
Publish the paper into our techweb. Cancel if we are not allowed to.
Boosts a techweb node.
Checks if a node can be unlocked on this techweb, having the required points and experiments
- node - the node to check
Notifies the techweb that an experiment has been completed, updating internal state of the techweb to reflect this.
- completed_experiment - the experiment which was completed
Checks if all experiments have been completed for a given node on this techweb
- node - the node to check
Fill published_papers with nulls.
Removes a node from the hidden_nodes list, making it viewable and researchable (if no experiments are required).