Vars | |
bottom_left_turfs | List of the bottom left turfs. Indexed by what their z index for this reservation is |
cordon_turfs | Turfs around the reservation for cordoning |
height | The height of the reservation |
pre_cordon_distance | Distance away from the cordon where we can put a "sort-cordon" and run some extra code (see make_repel). 0 makes nothing happen |
pre_cordon_turfs | Area of turfs next to the cordon to fill with pre_cordon_area's |
reserved_turfs | All turfs that we've reserved |
top_right_turfs | List of the top right turfs. Indexed by what their z index for this reservation is |
turf_type | The turf type the reservation is initially made with |
turf_type_is_baseturf | Do we override baseturfs with turf_type? |
width | The width of the reservation |
z_size | The z stack size of the reservation. Note that reservations are ALWAYS reserved from the bottom up |
Procs | |
_reserve_area | Internal proc which handles reserving the area for the reservation. |
calculate_cordon_turfs | Attempts to calaculate and store a list of turfs around the reservation for cordoning. Returns whether a valid cordon was calculated |
calculate_turf_bounds_information | Calculates the effective bounds information for the given turf. Returns a list of the information, or null if not applicable. |
generate_cordon | Actually generates the cordon around the reservation, and marking the cordon turfs as reserved |
get_turf_above | Gets the turf above the given target. Returns null if there is no turf above the target |
get_turf_below | Gets the turf below the given target. Returns null if there is no turf below the target |
make_repel | Register signals in the cordon "danger zone" to do something with whoever trespasses |
stop_repel | Unregister all the signals we added in RegisterRepelSignals |
Var Details
List of the bottom left turfs. Indexed by what their z index for this reservation is
Turfs around the reservation for cordoning
The height of the reservation
Distance away from the cordon where we can put a "sort-cordon" and run some extra code (see make_repel). 0 makes nothing happen
Area of turfs next to the cordon to fill with pre_cordon_area's
All turfs that we've reserved
List of the top right turfs. Indexed by what their z index for this reservation is
The turf type the reservation is initially made with
Do we override baseturfs with turf_type?
The width of the reservation
The z stack size of the reservation. Note that reservations are ALWAYS reserved from the bottom up
Proc Details
Internal proc which handles reserving the area for the reservation.
Attempts to calaculate and store a list of turfs around the reservation for cordoning. Returns whether a valid cordon was calculated
Calculates the effective bounds information for the given turf. Returns a list of the information, or null if not applicable.
Actually generates the cordon around the reservation, and marking the cordon turfs as reserved
Gets the turf above the given target. Returns null if there is no turf above the target
Gets the turf below the given target. Returns null if there is no turf below the target
Register signals in the cordon "danger zone" to do something with whoever trespasses
Unregister all the signals we added in RegisterRepelSignals