Vars | |
a_or_from | needed for "your arm has a compound fracture" vs "your arm has some third degree burns" |
actionspeed_mod | The actionspeed modifier we will use in case we are on the arms and have a interaction penalty. Qdelled on destroy. |
already_scarred | If we've already tried scarring while removing (remove_wound can be called twice in a del chain, let's be nice to our code yeah?) TODO: make this cleaner |
attached_surgery | If we're operating on this wound and it gets healed, we'll nix the surgery too |
base_treat_time | How long it will take to treat this wound with a standard effective tool, assuming it doesn't need surgery |
base_xadone_progress_to_qdel | The base amount of [cryo_progress] required to have ourselves fully healed by cryo. Multiplied against severity. |
blood_flow | How much we're contributing to this limb's bleed_rate |
can_scar | If this wound can generate a scar. |
cryo_progress | if you're a lazy git and just throw them in cryo, the wound will go away after accumulating severity * [base_xadone_progress_to_qdel] power |
damage_multiplier_penalty | Incoming damage on this limb will be multiplied by this, to simulate tenderness and vulnerability (mostly burns). |
default_scar_file | The default file we take our scar descriptions from, if we fail to get the ideal file. |
desc | The description shown on the scanners |
disabling | If having this wound makes currently makes the parent bodypart unusable |
examine_desc | What the limb looks like on a cursory examine |
homemade_treat_text | Improvised remedies indicated by the first aid analyzer only. |
interaction_efficiency_penalty | Using this limb in a do_after interaction will multiply the length by this duration (arms) |
limb | The bodypart we're parented to. Not guaranteed to be non-null, especially after/during removal or if we haven't been applied |
limp_chance | If this wound has a limp_slowdown and is applied to a leg, it has this chance to limp each step |
limp_slowdown | If set and this wound is applied to a leg, we take this many deciseconds extra per step on this leg |
name | What it's named |
occur_text | The visible message when this happens |
processes | If we need to process each life tick |
scar_keyword | What kind of scars this wound will create description wise once healed |
series_threshold_penalty | How much having this wound will add to all future check_wounding() rolls on this limb, but only for wounds of its own series |
simple_desc | Simple description, shortened for clarity if defined. Otherwise just takes the normal desc in the analyzer proc. |
simple_treat_text | Simple analyzer's wound description, which focuses less on the clinical aspect of the wound and more on easily readable treatment instructions. |
sound_effect | This sound will be played upon the wound being applied |
sound_volume | The volume of [sound_effect] |
status_effect_type | What status effect we assign on application |
threshold_penalty | How much having this wound will add to all future check_wounding() rolls on this limb, to allow progression to worse injuries with repeated damage |
treat_text | The basic treatment suggested by health analyzers |
treat_text_short | Even more basic treatment |
treatable_by | Specific items such as bandages or sutures that can try directly treating this wound |
treatable_by_grabbed | Specific items such as bandages or sutures that can try directly treating this wound only if the user has the victim in an aggressive grab or higher |
treatable_tools | Any tools with any of the flags in this list will be usable to try directly treating this wound |
unique_id | The unique ID of our wound for use with [actionspeed_mod]. Defaults to REF(src). |
victim | Who owns the body part that we're wounding |
wound_flags | What flags apply to this wound |
wound_source | The source of how we got the wound, typically a weapon. |
Procs | |
adjust_blood_flow | Use this to modify blood flow. You must use this to change the variable Takes the amount to adjust by, and the lowest amount we're allowed to have post adjust |
apply_wound | apply_wound() is used once a wound type is instantiated to assign it to a bodypart, and actually come into play. |
can_be_applied_to | Returns TRUE if we can be applied to the limb. |
check_grab_treatments | Return TRUE if we have an item that can only be used while aggro grabbed (unhanded aggro grab treatments go in /datum/wound/proc/try_handling). Treatment is still is handled in /datum/wound/proc/treat |
drag_bleed_amount | Used when we're being dragged while bleeding, the value we return is how much bloodloss this wound causes from being dragged. Since it's a proc, you can let bandages soak some of the blood |
gauze_state_changed | Signal proc for if gauze has been applied or removed from our limb. |
generate_actionspeed_modifier | If we have no actionspeed_mod, generates a new one with our unique ID, sets actionspeed_mod to it, then returns it. |
generate_unique_id | Generates the ID we use for [unique_id], which is also set as our actionspeed mod's ID |
get_action_delay_increment | Returns the decisecond increment of any click interactions, assuming our limb is being used. |
get_action_delay_mult | Returns the decisecond multiplier of any click interactions, assuming our limb is being used. |
get_bleed_rate_of_change | get_bleed_rate_of_change() is used in /mob/living/carbon/proc/bleed_warn to gauge whether this wound (if bleeding) is becoming worse, better, or staying the same over time |
get_desc_intensity | Spans [desc] based on our severity. |
get_dismember_chance_bonus | Gets the flat percentage chance increment of a dismember occurring, if a dismember is attempted (requires mangled flesh and bone). returning 15 = +15%. |
get_effective_actionspeed_modifier | Returns a "adjusted" interaction_efficiency_penalty that will be used for the actionspeed mod. |
get_examine_description | get_examine_description() is used in carbon/examine and human/examine to show the status of this wound. Useful if you need to show some status like the wound being splinted or bandaged. |
get_limb_examine_description | Returns what string is displayed when a limb that has sustained this wound is examined (This is examining the LIMB ITSELF, when it's not attached to someone.) |
get_pregen_data | Returns our pregen data, which is practically guaranteed to exist, so this proc can safely be used raw. In fact, since it's RETURN_TYPEd to wound_pregen_data, you can even directly access the variables without having to store the value of this proc in a typed variable. Ex. get_pregen_data().wound_series |
get_required_biostate | Returns the biostate we require to be applied. |
get_scanner_description | Prints the details about the wound for the wound scanner on simple mode |
get_scar_file | Getter proc for our scar_file, in case we might have some custom scar gen logic. |
get_scar_keyword | Getter proc for our scar_keyword, in case we might have some custom scar gen logic. |
get_simple_scanner_description | Prints the details about the wound for the wound scanner on complex mode |
get_viable_zones | Returns the zones we can be applied to. |
get_xadone_progress_to_qdel | Returns the amount of [cryo_progress] we need to be qdeleted. |
handle_process | If var/processing is TRUE, this is run on each life tick |
handle_xadone_progress | Does various actions based on [cryo_progress]. By default, qdeletes the wound past a certain threshold. |
item_can_treat | Returns TRUE if the item can be used to treat our wounds. Hooks into treat() - only things that return TRUE here may be used there. |
limb_essential | Returns TRUE if our limb is the head or chest, FALSE otherwise. Essential in the sense of "we cannot live without it". |
modify_desc_before_span | A hook proc used to modify desc before it is spanned via [get_desc_intensity]. Useful for inserting spans yourself. |
on_stasis | Called when the patient is undergoing stasis, so that having fully treated a wound doesn't make you sit there helplessly until you think to unbuckle them |
on_synthflesh | When synthflesh is applied to the victim, we call this. No sense in setting up an entire chem reaction system for wounds when we only care for a few chems. Probably will change in the future |
on_xadone | Called from cryoxadone and pyroxadone when they're proc'ing. Wounds will slowly be fixed separately from other methods when these are in effect. crappy name but eh |
receive_damage | When our parent bodypart is hurt. |
remove_actionspeed_modifier | If we have an actionspeed_mod, qdels it and sets our ref of it to null. |
remove_wound | Remove the wound from whatever it's afflicting, and cleans up whatever status effects it had or modifiers it had on interaction times. ignore_limb is used for detachments where we only want to forget the victim |
replace_wound | replace_wound() is used when you want to replace the current wound with a new wound, presumably of the same category, just of a different severity (either up or down counts) |
second_wind | Additional beneficial effects when the wound is gained, in case you want to give a temporary boost to allow the victim to try an escape or last stand |
set_blood_flow | Sets our blood flow |
set_disabling | Proc called to change the variable disabling and react to the event. |
set_interaction_efficiency_penalty | Setter for [interaction_efficiency_penalty]. Updates the actionspeed of our actionspeed mod. |
set_limb | Proc called to change the variable limb and react to the event. |
set_victim | Setter for [victim]. Should completely transfer signals, attributes, etc. To the new victim - if there is any, as it can be null. |
severity_text | Returns what text describes this wound |
should_have_actionspeed_modifier | Returns TRUE if we have an interaction_efficiency_penalty, and if we are on the arms, FALSE otherwise. |
still_exists | For use in do_after callback checks |
treat | Someone is using something that might be used for treating the wound on this limb |
try_handling | Like try_treating() but for unhanded interactions, used by joint dislocations for manual bodypart chiropractice for example. Ignores thick material checks since you can pop an arm into place through a thick suit unlike using sutures |
try_treating | try_treating() is an intercept run from [/mob/living/carbon/proc/attackby] right after surgeries but before anything else. Return TRUE here if the item is something that is relevant to treatment to take over the interaction. |
update_actionspeed_modifier | If we should have an actionspeed_mod, ensures we do and updates its slowdown. Otherwise, ensures we don't have one by qdeleting any existing modifier. |
update_inefficiencies | Updates our limping and interaction penalties in accordance with our gauze. |
wound_injury | The immediate negative effects faced as a result of the wound |
Var Details
needed for "your arm has a compound fracture" vs "your arm has some third degree burns"
The actionspeed modifier we will use in case we are on the arms and have a interaction penalty. Qdelled on destroy.
If we've already tried scarring while removing (remove_wound can be called twice in a del chain, let's be nice to our code yeah?) TODO: make this cleaner
If we're operating on this wound and it gets healed, we'll nix the surgery too
How long it will take to treat this wound with a standard effective tool, assuming it doesn't need surgery
The base amount of [cryo_progress] required to have ourselves fully healed by cryo. Multiplied against severity.
How much we're contributing to this limb's bleed_rate
If this wound can generate a scar.
if you're a lazy git and just throw them in cryo, the wound will go away after accumulating severity * [base_xadone_progress_to_qdel] power
Incoming damage on this limb will be multiplied by this, to simulate tenderness and vulnerability (mostly burns).
The default file we take our scar descriptions from, if we fail to get the ideal file.
The description shown on the scanners
If having this wound makes currently makes the parent bodypart unusable
What the limb looks like on a cursory examine
Improvised remedies indicated by the first aid analyzer only.
Using this limb in a do_after interaction will multiply the length by this duration (arms)
The bodypart we're parented to. Not guaranteed to be non-null, especially after/during removal or if we haven't been applied
If this wound has a limp_slowdown and is applied to a leg, it has this chance to limp each step
If set and this wound is applied to a leg, we take this many deciseconds extra per step on this leg
What it's named
The visible message when this happens
If we need to process each life tick
What kind of scars this wound will create description wise once healed
How much having this wound will add to all future check_wounding() rolls on this limb, but only for wounds of its own series
Simple description, shortened for clarity if defined. Otherwise just takes the normal desc in the analyzer proc.
Simple analyzer's wound description, which focuses less on the clinical aspect of the wound and more on easily readable treatment instructions.
This sound will be played upon the wound being applied
The volume of [sound_effect]
What status effect we assign on application
How much having this wound will add to all future check_wounding() rolls on this limb, to allow progression to worse injuries with repeated damage
The basic treatment suggested by health analyzers
Even more basic treatment
Specific items such as bandages or sutures that can try directly treating this wound
Specific items such as bandages or sutures that can try directly treating this wound only if the user has the victim in an aggressive grab or higher
Any tools with any of the flags in this list will be usable to try directly treating this wound
The unique ID of our wound for use with [actionspeed_mod]. Defaults to REF(src).
Who owns the body part that we're wounding
What flags apply to this wound
The source of how we got the wound, typically a weapon.
Proc Details
Use this to modify blood flow. You must use this to change the variable Takes the amount to adjust by, and the lowest amount we're allowed to have post adjust
apply_wound() is used once a wound type is instantiated to assign it to a bodypart, and actually come into play.
- L: The bodypart we're wounding, we don't care about the person, we can get them through the limb
- silent: Not actually necessary I don't think, was originally used for demoting wounds so they wouldn't make new messages, but I believe old_wound took over that, I may remove this shortly
- old_wound: If our new wound is a replacement for one of the same time (promotion or demotion), we can reference the old one just before it's removed to copy over necessary vars
- smited- If this is a smite, we don't care about this wound for stat tracking purposes (not yet implemented)
- attack_direction: For bloodsplatters, if relevant
- wound_source: The source of the wound, such as a weapon.
Returns TRUE if we can be applied to the limb.
Return TRUE if we have an item that can only be used while aggro grabbed (unhanded aggro grab treatments go in /datum/wound/proc/try_handling). Treatment is still is handled in /datum/wound/proc/treat
Used when we're being dragged while bleeding, the value we return is how much bloodloss this wound causes from being dragged. Since it's a proc, you can let bandages soak some of the blood
Signal proc for if gauze has been applied or removed from our limb.
If we have no actionspeed_mod, generates a new one with our unique ID, sets actionspeed_mod to it, then returns it.
Generates the ID we use for [unique_id], which is also set as our actionspeed mod's ID
Returns the decisecond increment of any click interactions, assuming our limb is being used.
Returns the decisecond multiplier of any click interactions, assuming our limb is being used.
get_bleed_rate_of_change() is used in /mob/living/carbon/proc/bleed_warn to gauge whether this wound (if bleeding) is becoming worse, better, or staying the same over time
Returns BLOOD_FLOW_STEADY if we're not bleeding or there's no change (like piercing), BLOOD_FLOW_DECREASING if we're clotting (non-critical slashes, gauzed, coagulant, etc), BLOOD_FLOW_INCREASING if we're opening up (crit slashes/heparin/nitrous oxide)
Spans [desc] based on our severity.
Gets the flat percentage chance increment of a dismember occurring, if a dismember is attempted (requires mangled flesh and bone). returning 15 = +15%.
Returns a "adjusted" interaction_efficiency_penalty that will be used for the actionspeed mod.
get_examine_description() is used in carbon/examine and human/examine to show the status of this wound. Useful if you need to show some status like the wound being splinted or bandaged.
Return the full string line you want to show, note that we're already dealing with the 'warning' span at this point, and that \n is already appended for you in the place this is called from
- mob/user: The user examining the wound's owner, if that matters
Returns what string is displayed when a limb that has sustained this wound is examined (This is examining the LIMB ITSELF, when it's not attached to someone.)
Returns our pregen data, which is practically guaranteed to exist, so this proc can safely be used raw. In fact, since it's RETURN_TYPEd to wound_pregen_data, you can even directly access the variables without having to store the value of this proc in a typed variable. Ex. get_pregen_data().wound_series
Returns the biostate we require to be applied.
Prints the details about the wound for the wound scanner on simple mode
Getter proc for our scar_file, in case we might have some custom scar gen logic.
Getter proc for our scar_keyword, in case we might have some custom scar gen logic.
Prints the details about the wound for the wound scanner on complex mode
Returns the zones we can be applied to.
Returns the amount of [cryo_progress] we need to be qdeleted.
If var/processing is TRUE, this is run on each life tick
Does various actions based on [cryo_progress]. By default, qdeletes the wound past a certain threshold.
Returns TRUE if the item can be used to treat our wounds. Hooks into treat() - only things that return TRUE here may be used there.
Returns TRUE if our limb is the head or chest, FALSE otherwise. Essential in the sense of "we cannot live without it".
A hook proc used to modify desc before it is spanned via [get_desc_intensity]. Useful for inserting spans yourself.
Called when the patient is undergoing stasis, so that having fully treated a wound doesn't make you sit there helplessly until you think to unbuckle them
When synthflesh is applied to the victim, we call this. No sense in setting up an entire chem reaction system for wounds when we only care for a few chems. Probably will change in the future
Called from cryoxadone and pyroxadone when they're proc'ing. Wounds will slowly be fixed separately from other methods when these are in effect. crappy name but eh
When our parent bodypart is hurt.
If we have an actionspeed_mod, qdels it and sets our ref of it to null.
Remove the wound from whatever it's afflicting, and cleans up whatever status effects it had or modifiers it had on interaction times. ignore_limb is used for detachments where we only want to forget the victim
replace_wound() is used when you want to replace the current wound with a new wound, presumably of the same category, just of a different severity (either up or down counts)
- new_wound- The wound instance you want to replace this
- smited- If this is a smite, we don't care about this wound for stat tracking purposes (not yet implemented)
Additional beneficial effects when the wound is gained, in case you want to give a temporary boost to allow the victim to try an escape or last stand
Sets our blood flow
Proc called to change the variable disabling
and react to the event.
Setter for [interaction_efficiency_penalty]. Updates the actionspeed of our actionspeed mod.
Proc called to change the variable limb
and react to the event.
Setter for [victim]. Should completely transfer signals, attributes, etc. To the new victim - if there is any, as it can be null.
Returns what text describes this wound
Returns TRUE if we have an interaction_efficiency_penalty, and if we are on the arms, FALSE otherwise.
For use in do_after callback checks
Someone is using something that might be used for treating the wound on this limb
Like try_treating() but for unhanded interactions, used by joint dislocations for manual bodypart chiropractice for example. Ignores thick material checks since you can pop an arm into place through a thick suit unlike using sutures
try_treating() is an intercept run from [/mob/living/carbon/proc/attackby] right after surgeries but before anything else. Return TRUE here if the item is something that is relevant to treatment to take over the interaction.
This proc leads into /datum/wound/proc/treat and probably shouldn't be added onto in children types. You can specify what items or tools you want to be intercepted with var/list/treatable_by and var/treatable_tool, then if an item fulfills one of those requirements and our wound claims it first, it goes over to treat() and treat_self().
- I: The item we're trying to use
- user: The mob trying to use it on us
If we should have an actionspeed_mod, ensures we do and updates its slowdown. Otherwise, ensures we don't have one by qdeleting any existing modifier.
Updates our limping and interaction penalties in accordance with our gauze.
The immediate negative effects faced as a result of the wound