Vars | |
ineligible_for_roles | Used to make sure someone doesn't get spammed with messages if they're ineligible for roles. |
jobs_menu_mounted | Used to track if the player's jobs menu sent a message saying it successfully mounted. |
new_character | For instant transfer once the round is set up |
reset_hud_cooldown | Cooldown for the Reset Lobby Menu HUD verb |
spawning | Referenced when you want to delete the new_player later on in the code. |
Procs | |
auto_deadmin_on_ready_or_latejoin | Auto deadmins an admin when they click to toggle the ready button or join game button in the menu |
create_character | Creates, assigns and returns the new_character to spawn as. Assumes a valid mind.assigned_role exists. |
handle_player_polling | Shows a list of currently running polls a player can vote/has voted on |
open_interview | Verb for opening the existing interview, or if relevant creating a new interview if possible. |
poll_player | Redirects a player to the correct poll window based on poll type. |
poll_player_irv | Shows voting window for an IRV type poll, listing its options and relevant details. |
poll_player_multi | Shows voting window for a multiple choice type poll, listing its options and relevant details. |
poll_player_option | Shows voting window for an option type poll, listing its options and relevant details. |
poll_player_rating | Shows voting window for a rating type poll, listing its options and relevant details. |
poll_player_text | Shows voting window for a text response type poll, listing its relevant details. |
register_for_interview | Prepares a client for the interview system, and provides them with a new interview |
reset_menu_hud | Resets the Lobby Menu HUD, recreating and reassigning it to the new player |
vote_on_poll_handler | Runs some poll validation before a vote is processed. |
vote_on_poll_irv | Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for an IRV type poll. |
vote_on_poll_multi | Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for a multiple choice type poll. |
vote_on_poll_option | Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for an option type poll. |
vote_on_poll_rating | Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for a rating type poll. |
vote_on_poll_text | Processes response form data and saves results to the database for a text response type poll. |
Var Details
Used to make sure someone doesn't get spammed with messages if they're ineligible for roles.
Used to track if the player's jobs menu sent a message saying it successfully mounted.
For instant transfer once the round is set up
Cooldown for the Reset Lobby Menu HUD verb
Referenced when you want to delete the new_player later on in the code.
Proc Details
Auto deadmins an admin when they click to toggle the ready button or join game button in the menu
Creates, assigns and returns the new_character to spawn as. Assumes a valid mind.assigned_role exists.
Shows a list of currently running polls a player can vote/has voted on
Verb for opening the existing interview, or if relevant creating a new interview if possible.
Redirects a player to the correct poll window based on poll type.
Shows voting window for an IRV type poll, listing its options and relevant details.
If already voted on, the options are sorted how a player voted for them, otherwise they are randomly shuffled.
Shows voting window for a multiple choice type poll, listing its options and relevant details.
If already voted on, the options a player voted for are pre-selected.
Shows voting window for an option type poll, listing its options and relevant details.
If already voted on, the option a player voted for is pre-selected.
Shows voting window for a rating type poll, listing its options and relevant details.
If already voted on, the options a player voted for are pre-selected.
Shows voting window for a text response type poll, listing its relevant details.
If already responded to, the saved response of a player is shown.
Prepares a client for the interview system, and provides them with a new interview
This proc will both prepare the user by removing all verbs from them, as well as giving them the interview form and forcing it to appear.
Resets the Lobby Menu HUD, recreating and reassigning it to the new player
Runs some poll validation before a vote is processed.
Checks a player is who they claim to be and that a poll is actually still running. Also loads the vote_id to pass onto single-option and text polls. Increments the vote count when successful.
Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for an IRV type poll.
Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for a multiple choice type poll.
Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for an option type poll.
Processes vote form data and saves results to the database for a rating type poll.
Processes response form data and saves results to the database for a text response type poll.