A camera controlled by a machine-operating user, like advanced cameras. Handles assigning/unassigning it's users, as well as applying sight effects.
Vars | |
acceleration | If TRUE, the eye will have acceleration when moving. |
last_moved | Used internally for calculating wait time. (world.timeofday + wait_time) |
max_sprint | The maximum sprint that this eye can reach. |
momentum | Amount of speed that is added to var/sprint. |
origin_ref | Weakref to the creator of this eye. Must be a machine. |
sprint | The speed of the camera. Scales from initial(sprint) to var/max_sprint |
user_image | If visible_to_user is TRUE, it will show this in the center of the screen. |
user_ref | Weakref to the current user of this eye. Must be a living mob. |
visible_to_user | TRUE if this camera should show itself to the user. |
wait_time | The amount of time that must pass before var/sprint is reset. |
Procs | |
set_user_icon | Sets the camera's user image to this icon and state. If chosen_icon is null, the user image will be removed. |
Var Details
If TRUE, the eye will have acceleration when moving.
Used internally for calculating wait time. (world.timeofday + wait_time)
The maximum sprint that this eye can reach.
Amount of speed that is added to var/sprint.
Weakref to the creator of this eye. Must be a machine.
The speed of the camera. Scales from initial(sprint) to var/max_sprint
If visible_to_user is TRUE, it will show this in the center of the screen.
Weakref to the current user of this eye. Must be a living mob.
TRUE if this camera should show itself to the user.
The amount of time that must pass before var/sprint is reset.
Proc Details
Sets the camera's user image to this icon and state. If chosen_icon is null, the user image will be removed.