Simple animals 2.0, This time, let's really try to keep it simple. This basetype should purely be used as a base-level for implementing simplified behaviours for things such as damage and attacks. Everything else should be in components or AI behaviours.
Vars | |
armour_penetration | How much armour they ignore, as a flat reduction from the targets armour value. |
attack_sound | Sound played when the critter attacks. |
attack_verb_continuous | Basic mob's own attacks verbs, Attacking verb in present continuous tense. |
attack_verb_simple | Attacking verb in present simple tense. |
attack_vis_effect | Override for the visual attack effect shown on 'do_attack_animation()'. |
attacked_sound | Played when someone punches the creature. |
bare_wound_bonus | How much bare wounding power it has |
damage_coeff | 1 for full damage, 0 for none, -1 for 1:1 heal from that source. |
environment_smash | Variable maintained for compatibility with attack_animal procs until simple animals can be refactored away. Use element instead of setting manually. |
friendly_verb_continuous | Attacking, but without damage, verb in present continuous tense. |
friendly_verb_simple | Attacking, but without damage, verb in present simple tense. |
gold_core_spawnable | If the mob can be spawned with a gold slime core. HOSTILE_SPAWN are spawned with plasma, FRIENDLY_SPAWN are spawned with blood. |
habitable_atmos | Leaving something at 0 means it's off - has no maximum. |
icon_dead | Icon when the animal is dead. Don't use animated icons for this. |
icon_gib | We only try to show a gibbing animation if this exists. |
icon_living | /////THIS SECTION COULD BE ITS OWN ELEMENT Icon to use |
maximum_survivable_temperature | Maximal body temperature without receiving damage |
melee_attack_cooldown | How often can you melee attack? |
melee_damage_type | Damage type of a simple mob's melee attack, should it do damage. |
minimum_survivable_temperature | Minimal body temperature without receiving damage |
obj_damage | how much damage this basic mob does to objects, if any. |
response_disarm_continuous | Disarm-intent verb in present continuous tense. |
response_disarm_simple | Disarm-intent verb in present simple tense. |
response_harm_continuous | Harm-intent verb in present continuous tense. |
response_harm_simple | Harm-intent verb in present simple tense. |
response_help_continuous | When someone interacts with the simple animal. Help-intent verb in present continuous tense. |
response_help_simple | Help-intent verb in present simple tense. |
sentience_type | Sentience type, for slime potions. SHOULD BE AN ELEMENT BUT I DONT CARE ABOUT IT FOR NOW |
sharpness | If the attacks from this are sharp |
speak_emote | Verbs used for speaking e.g. "Says" or "Chitters". This can be elementized |
speed | Defines how fast the basic mob can move. This is not a multiplier |
stamina_recovery | How much stamina the mob recovers per second |
unsuitable_atmos_damage | This damage is taken when atmos doesn't fit all the requirements above. Set to 0 to avoid adding the atmos_requirements element. |
unsuitable_cold_damage | This damage is taken when the body temp is too cold. Set both this and unsuitable_heat_damage to 0 to avoid adding the body_temp_sensitive element. |
unsuitable_heat_damage | This damage is taken when the body temp is too hot. Set both this and unsuitable_cold_damage to 0 to avoid adding the body_temp_sensitive element. |
wound_bonus | How much wounding power it has |
Procs | |
adjust_health | Adjusts the health of a simple mob by a set amount |
apply_atmos_requirements | Ensures this mob can take atmospheric damage if it's supposed to |
apply_temperature_requirements | Ensures this mob can take temperature damage if it's supposed to |
look_alive | Apply the appearance and properties this mob has when it is alive |
look_dead | Apply the appearance and properties this mob has when it dies This is called by the mob pretending to be dead too so don't put loot drops in here or something |
update_stamina | Updates movement speed based on stamina loss |
Var Details
How much armour they ignore, as a flat reduction from the targets armour value.
Sound played when the critter attacks.
Basic mob's own attacks verbs, Attacking verb in present continuous tense.
Attacking verb in present simple tense.
Override for the visual attack effect shown on 'do_attack_animation()'.
Played when someone punches the creature.
How much bare wounding power it has
1 for full damage, 0 for none, -1 for 1:1 heal from that source.
Variable maintained for compatibility with attack_animal procs until simple animals can be refactored away. Use element instead of setting manually.
Attacking, but without damage, verb in present continuous tense.
Attacking, but without damage, verb in present simple tense.
If the mob can be spawned with a gold slime core. HOSTILE_SPAWN are spawned with plasma, FRIENDLY_SPAWN are spawned with blood.
Leaving something at 0 means it's off - has no maximum.
Icon when the animal is dead. Don't use animated icons for this.
We only try to show a gibbing animation if this exists.
Maximal body temperature without receiving damage
How often can you melee attack?
Damage type of a simple mob's melee attack, should it do damage.
Minimal body temperature without receiving damage
how much damage this basic mob does to objects, if any.
Disarm-intent verb in present continuous tense.
Disarm-intent verb in present simple tense.
Harm-intent verb in present continuous tense.
Harm-intent verb in present simple tense.
When someone interacts with the simple animal. Help-intent verb in present continuous tense.
Help-intent verb in present simple tense.
Sentience type, for slime potions. SHOULD BE AN ELEMENT BUT I DONT CARE ABOUT IT FOR NOW
If the attacks from this are sharp
Verbs used for speaking e.g. "Says" or "Chitters". This can be elementized
Defines how fast the basic mob can move. This is not a multiplier
How much stamina the mob recovers per second
This damage is taken when atmos doesn't fit all the requirements above. Set to 0 to avoid adding the atmos_requirements element.
This damage is taken when the body temp is too cold. Set both this and unsuitable_heat_damage to 0 to avoid adding the body_temp_sensitive element.
This damage is taken when the body temp is too hot. Set both this and unsuitable_cold_damage to 0 to avoid adding the body_temp_sensitive element.
How much wounding power it has
Proc Details
Adjusts the health of a simple mob by a set amount
- amount The amount that will be used to adjust the mob's health
- updating_health If the mob's health should be immediately updated to the new value
- forced If we should force update the adjustment of the mob's health no matter the restrictions, like TRAIT_GODMODE returns the net change in bruteloss after applying the damage amount
Ensures this mob can take atmospheric damage if it's supposed to
Ensures this mob can take temperature damage if it's supposed to
Apply the appearance and properties this mob has when it is alive
Apply the appearance and properties this mob has when it dies This is called by the mob pretending to be dead too so don't put loot drops in here or something
Updates movement speed based on stamina loss