/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



maploadedif true, this boss may only be killed proper in its ruin by the associated machines as part of the bossfight.
phaseCurrent phase of the boss fight
phase_invul_timeTime the Thing will be invulnerable between phases
phase_invulnerability_timertimer of phase invulnerability between phases
return_timerreturn timer
spawn_locwhere we spawned. not set if not maploaded


immediate_aggroImmediately set out blackboard target key (if empty) to whoever attacks us; this is primarily because it has a lowered aggro range and a high sight range
phase_successfully_depletedThe Thing is successfully hit by incendiary fire while downed by damage (alternatively takes too much damage if not ruin spawned)
return_to_spawn_checkReturn us to our spawn loc (ruin boss only) if we are alive and have an ai controller and our loc isnt the spawn loc
target_gainedDelete our return timer when we gain a target if we started premapped
target_lostIf we started premapped, and we lost our target, start a 3 minute timer to return to spawn turf unless we gain aggro again

Var Details


if true, this boss may only be killed proper in its ruin by the associated machines as part of the bossfight.


Current phase of the boss fight


Time the Thing will be invulnerable between phases


timer of phase invulnerability between phases


return timer


where we spawned. not set if not maploaded

Proc Details


Immediately set out blackboard target key (if empty) to whoever attacks us; this is primarily because it has a lowered aggro range and a high sight range


The Thing is successfully hit by incendiary fire while downed by damage (alternatively takes too much damage if not ruin spawned)


Return us to our spawn loc (ruin boss only) if we are alive and have an ai controller and our loc isnt the spawn loc


Delete our return timer when we gain a target if we started premapped


If we started premapped, and we lost our target, start a 3 minute timer to return to spawn turf unless we gain aggro again