Vars | |
lock | action to lock us |
locked | can we be opened or closed, if false we can |
max_mob_size | max mob size |
mob_storage_capacity | A cap for mobs. Mobs count towards the item cap. Same purpose as above. |
opened | are we open |
storage_capacity | A cap for items in the mimic. Prevents the mimic from eating enough stuff to cause lag when opened. |
Procs | |
insert | Called by toggle_open to put items inside the mimic when it's being closed |
toggle_open | Used to open and close the mimic |
Var Details
action to lock us
can we be opened or closed, if false we can
max mob size
A cap for mobs. Mobs count towards the item cap. Same purpose as above.
are we open
A cap for items in the mimic. Prevents the mimic from eating enough stuff to cause lag when opened.
Proc Details
Called by toggle_open to put items inside the mimic when it's being closed
Will return CANT_INSERT_FULL (-1) if the insertion fails due to the storage capacity of the mimic having been reached Will return FALSE if insertion fails Will return TRUE if insertion succeeds Arguments:
- AM - item to be inserted
Used to open and close the mimic
Will insert tile contents into the mimic when closing Will dump mimic contents into the time when opening Does nothing if the mimic locked itself