The cheesiest, most crowned rat of them all. Regent superior of all rats in maintenance... at least until someone else tries to encroach on their claim.
Vars | |
poll_ghosts | Should we request a mind immediately upon spawning? |
special_moniker | String tied to our special moniker for examination. Contains a nice message tied to the potential funny regal name we have. |
Procs | |
allowed_to_attack | Checks if we are allowed to attack this mob. Will return TRUE if we are potentially allowed to attack, but if we end up in a case where we should NOT attack, return FALSE. |
became_player_controlled | Triggers an alert to all ghosts that the rat has become player controlled. |
cheese_heal | Conditionally "eat" cheese object and heal, if injured. |
early_melee_attack | Checks if we are able to attack this object, as well as send out the signal to see if we get any special regal rat interactions. |
grant_titles | Grants the rat a special name. |
on_login | Supplementary work we do when we login. Done this way so we synchronize with the ai controller shutting off and all that jazz as well as allowing more shit to be passed in if need be in future. |
poison_target | Attempts to add rat spit to a target, effectively poisoning it to whoever eats it. Yuckers. Returns TRUE if the target is valid for adding rat spit Returns FALSE if the target is invalid for adding rat spit Arguments |
Var Details
Should we request a mind immediately upon spawning?
String tied to our special moniker for examination. Contains a nice message tied to the potential funny regal name we have.
Proc Details
Checks if we are allowed to attack this mob. Will return TRUE if we are potentially allowed to attack, but if we end up in a case where we should NOT attack, return FALSE.
Triggers an alert to all ghosts that the rat has become player controlled.
Conditionally "eat" cheese object and heal, if injured.
A private proc for sending a message to the mob's chat about them eating some sort of cheese, then healing them, then deleting the cheese. The "eating" is only conditional on the mob being injured in the first place.
Checks if we are able to attack this object, as well as send out the signal to see if we get any special regal rat interactions.
Grants the rat a special name.
Supplementary work we do when we login. Done this way so we synchronize with the ai controller shutting off and all that jazz as well as allowing more shit to be passed in if need be in future.
Attempts to add rat spit to a target, effectively poisoning it to whoever eats it. Yuckers. Returns TRUE if the target is valid for adding rat spit Returns FALSE if the target is invalid for adding rat spit Arguments
- atom/lean_target - the target we try to add the spit to