Advanced stage of the space carp life cycle, spawned as a midround antagonist Can eat corpses to heal, blow people back with its wings, and obviously as a dragon it breathes fire. It can even tear through walls. The midround even version also creates rifts which summon carp, and heals when near them.
Vars | |
buffet | Our wing flap action |
chosen_colour | The colour of the space dragon |
devastation_damage_max_percentage | Maximum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health |
devastation_damage_min_percentage | Minimum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health |
fire_breath | Our fire breath action |
fish_left | The amount of fish (weight) the space dragon has to eat to be sharkified and receive a cheevo for it. |
shark_form | Are currently sharkified or a plain space dragon? |
Procs | |
eat | Succeed in putting something inside us |
eaten_stat_changed | Release consumed mobs if they transition from dead to alive |
on_exploded | We take devastating bomb damage as a random percentage of our maximum health instead of being gibbed |
on_stat_changed | When our stat changes, make sure we are using the correct overlay |
pre_attack | Before we attack something, check if we want to do something else instead |
rename_dragon | Allows the space dragon to pick a funny name |
select_colour | Select scale colour with the colour picker |
try_eat | Try putting something inside us |
Var Details
Our wing flap action
The colour of the space dragon
Maximum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health
Minimum devastation damage dealt coefficient based on max health
Our fire breath action
The amount of fish (weight) the space dragon has to eat to be sharkified and receive a cheevo for it.
Are currently sharkified or a plain space dragon?
Proc Details
Succeed in putting something inside us
Release consumed mobs if they transition from dead to alive
We take devastating bomb damage as a random percentage of our maximum health instead of being gibbed
When our stat changes, make sure we are using the correct overlay
Before we attack something, check if we want to do something else instead
Allows the space dragon to pick a funny name
Select scale colour with the colour picker
Try putting something inside us