Any humanoid (non-Xeno) mob, such as humans, plasmamen, lizards.
Vars | |
afk_thefts | When an braindead player has their equipment fiddled with, we log that info here for when they come back so they know who took their ID while they were DC'd for 30 seconds |
base_mob_height | Base height of the mob, modified by stuff like dwarfism or species |
blood_in_hands | How many "units of blood" we have on our hands |
coretemperature | The core temperature of the human compaired to the skin temp of the body |
eye_color_heterochromatic | Var used to keep track of a human mob having a heterochromatic right eye. To ensure prefs don't overwrite shit |
grad_color | Colours used for hair and facial hair gradients. |
grad_style | Styles used for hair and facial hair gradients. |
heat_exposure_stacks | Exposure to damaging heat levels increases stacks, stacks clean over time when temperatures are lower. Stack is consumed to add a wound. |
mob_height | Actual height of the mob. Don't touch this one, it is set via update_mob_height() |
physique | Which body type to use |
Procs | |
adjust_coretemperature | Adjust the core temperature of a mob |
apply_height_filters | Applies a filter to an appearance according to mob height |
apply_height_offsets | Used in some circumstances where appearances can get cut off from the mob sprite from being too tall |
burn_clothing | Used by fire code to damage worn items. |
check_body_shape | Used to perform regular updates to the limbs of humans with special bodyshapes |
check_pocket_weght | Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_CONTENTS_WEIGHT_CLASS_CHANGED to check if an item is suddenly too heavy for our pockets |
check_reflect | Reflection checks for anything in your l_hand, r_hand, or wear_suit based on the reflection chance of the object |
clean_face | Called on the COMSIG_COMPONENT_CLEAN_FACE_ACT signal |
copy_clothing_prefs | copies over clothing preferences like underwear to another human |
crabize | Turns the source atom into a crab crab, the peak of evolutionary design. |
crewlike_monkify | Proc used to make monkey roles able to function like crew, but not be able to shift into humans easily. |
do_cpr | Performs CPR on the target after a delay. |
electrocute_act | Calculates the siemens coeff based on clothing and species, can also restart hearts. |
equip_outfit_and_loadout | Equips this mob with a given outfit and loadout items as per the passed preferences. |
equip_species_outfit | A version of equipOutfit that overrides passed in outfits with their entry on the species' outfit override registry |
fan_hud_set_fandom | FAN HUDs! For identifying other fans on-sight. |
force_say | Makes the player force say what's in their current input box. |
format_scars | For use formatting all of the scars this human has for saving for persistent scarring, returns a string with all current scars/missing limb amputation scars for saving or loading purposes |
get_body_temp_normal | get_body_temperature Returns the body temperature with any modifications applied |
get_clothing_on_part | Get all the clothing on a specific body part |
get_equipped_items | Used to return a list of equipped items on a human mob; does not by default include held items, see include_flags |
get_medhud_examine_info | Collects information displayed about src when examined by a user with a medical HUD. |
get_name_part | From compose_message(). Snowflake code converted into its own signal proc |
give_emote_overlay | Creates a new emote bodypart overlay and applies it to the human. The overlay can be removed by simply deleting the returned overlay. |
handle_blood | BLOOD SYSTEM |
handle_environment | Environment handlers for species |
hardset_dna | Sets the DNA of the mob to the given DNA. |
increment_scar_slot | When we're joining the game in /mob/dead/new_player/proc/create_character, we increment our scar slot then store the slot in our mind datum. |
infuse_organ | Attempt to replace/add-to the occupant's organs with "mutated" equivalents. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Requires the target mob to have an existing organic organ to "mutate". |
load_persistent_scars | Read all the scars we have for the designated character/scar slots, verify they're good/dump them if they're old/wrong format, create them on the user, and write the scars that passed muster back to the file |
load_scar | Takes a single scar from the persistent scar loader and recreates it from the saved data |
make_full_human_copy | Makes a full copy of src and returns it. Attempts to copy as much as possible to be a close to the original. This includes job outfit (which handles skillchips), quirks, and mutations. We do not set a mind here, so this is purely the body. Args: location - The turf the human will be spawned on. |
on_dwarf_trait | Gaining or losing [TRAIT_DWARF] updates our height and grants passtable |
on_tootall_trait | Gaining or losing TRAIT_TOO_TALL updates our height |
on_unknown_trait | Gaining or losing TRAIT_UNKNOWN updates our name and our sechud |
pick_infusion_organ | Picks a random mutated organ from the given infuser entry which is also compatible with this human. Tries to return a typepath of a valid mutant organ if all of the following criteria are true: |
psykerize | Proc with no side effects that turns someone into a psyker. returns FALSE if it could not psykerize. |
randomize_human_appearance | Fully randomizes everything according to the given flags. |
save_persistent_scars | Save any scars we have to our designated slot, then write our current slot so that the next time we call /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/increment_scar_slot (the next round we join), we'll be there |
sec_hud_set_ID | Security HUDs! Basic mode shows only the job. |
send_applicable_messages | Any "special" suicide messages are handled by the related item that the mob uses to kill itself. This is just messages for when it's done with the bare hands. |
set_mob_height | Setter for mob height - updates the base height of the mob (which is then adjusted by traits or species) |
set_service_style | Gives the appearance of being an agent |
setup_organless_effects | This proc is for holding effects applied when a mob is missing certain organs It is called very, very early in human init because all humans innately spawn with no organs and gain them during init Gaining said organs removes these effects |
singularity_act | Overrides the point value that the mob is worth |
slow_psykerize | flavorful variant of psykerizing that deals damage and sends messages before calling psykerize() |
smart_equip_targeted | take the most recent item out of a slot or place held item in a slot |
something_horrible | DNA HELPER-PROCS |
toggle_externals | Returns TRUE if the tank successfully toggles open/closed. Opens the tank only if a breathing apparatus is found. |
update_mob_height | Updates the mob's height |
update_sensor_list | Adds or removes a mob from the global suit sensors list based on sensor status and mode |
wash | Called when this human should be washed |
wash_hands | Wash the hands, cleaning either the gloves if equipped and not obscured, otherwise the hands themselves if they're not obscured. |
Var Details
When an braindead player has their equipment fiddled with, we log that info here for when they come back so they know who took their ID while they were DC'd for 30 seconds
Base height of the mob, modified by stuff like dwarfism or species
How many "units of blood" we have on our hands
The core temperature of the human compaired to the skin temp of the body
Var used to keep track of a human mob having a heterochromatic right eye. To ensure prefs don't overwrite shit
Colours used for hair and facial hair gradients.
Styles used for hair and facial hair gradients.
Exposure to damaging heat levels increases stacks, stacks clean over time when temperatures are lower. Stack is consumed to add a wound.
Actual height of the mob. Don't touch this one, it is set via update_mob_height()
Which body type to use
Proc Details
Adjust the core temperature of a mob
- amount The amount of degrees to change body temperature by
- min_temp (optional) The minimum body temperature after adjustment
- max_temp (optional) The maximum body temperature after adjustment
Applies a filter to an appearance according to mob height
Used in some circumstances where appearances can get cut off from the mob sprite from being too tall
upper_torso is to specify whether the appearance is locate in the upper half of the mob rather than the lower half, higher up things (hats for example) need to be offset more due to the location of the filter displacement
Used by fire code to damage worn items.
- seconds_per_tick
- times_fired
- stacks: Current amount of firestacks
Used to perform regular updates to the limbs of humans with special bodyshapes
- check_shapes: The bodyshapes to check for. Any limbs or organs which share this shape, will be updated.
- ignore_slots: The slots to ignore when updating the limbs. This is useful for things like digitigrade legs, where we can skip some slots that we're already updating.
return an integer, the number of limbs updated
Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_CONTENTS_WEIGHT_CLASS_CHANGED to check if an item is suddenly too heavy for our pockets
Reflection checks for anything in your l_hand, r_hand, or wear_suit based on the reflection chance of the object
copies over clothing preferences like underwear to another human
Turns the source atom into a crab crab, the peak of evolutionary design.
Proc used to make monkey roles able to function like crew, but not be able to shift into humans easily.
Performs CPR on the target after a delay.
Calculates the siemens coeff based on clothing and species, can also restart hearts.
Equips this mob with a given outfit and loadout items as per the passed preferences.
Loadout items override the pre-existing item in the corresponding slot of the job outfit. Some job items are preserved after being overridden - belt items, ear items, and glasses. The rest of the slots, the items are overridden completely and deleted.
Species with special outfits are snowflaked to have loadout items placed in their bags instead of overriding the outfit.
- outfit - the job outfit we're equipping
- preference_source - the preferences to draw loadout items from.
- visuals_only - whether we call special equipped procs, or if we just look like we equipped it
A version of equipOutfit that overrides passed in outfits with their entry on the species' outfit override registry
FAN HUDs! For identifying other fans on-sight.
Makes the player force say what's in their current input box.
For use formatting all of the scars this human has for saving for persistent scarring, returns a string with all current scars/missing limb amputation scars for saving or loading purposes
get_body_temperature Returns the body temperature with any modifications applied
This applies the result from proc/get_body_temp_normal_change() against the bodytemp_normal for the species and returns the result
- apply_change (optional) Default True This applies the changes to body temperature normal
Get all the clothing on a specific body part
Used to return a list of equipped items on a human mob; does not by default include held items, see include_flags
- Optional - include_flags, (see describes which optional things to include or not (pockets, accessories, held items)
Collects information displayed about src when examined by a user with a medical HUD.
From compose_message(). Snowflake code converted into its own signal proc
Creates a new emote bodypart overlay and applies it to the human. The overlay can be removed by simply deleting the returned overlay.
- Arguments:
- overlay_typepath - Typepath to the overlay that should be applied. Should be a subtype of datum/bodypart_overlay/simple/emote.
Returns the given overlay, which can be deleted to stop displaying it. Will return null if no bodypart matching the overlay's attached_body_zone field can be found.
Environment handlers for species
Sets the DNA of the mob to the given DNA.
When we're joining the game in /mob/dead/new_player/proc/create_character, we increment our scar slot then store the slot in our mind datum.
Attempt to replace/add-to the occupant's organs with "mutated" equivalents. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Requires the target mob to have an existing organic organ to "mutate".
Read all the scars we have for the designated character/scar slots, verify they're good/dump them if they're old/wrong format, create them on the user, and write the scars that passed muster back to the file
Takes a single scar from the persistent scar loader and recreates it from the saved data
Makes a full copy of src and returns it. Attempts to copy as much as possible to be a close to the original. This includes job outfit (which handles skillchips), quirks, and mutations. We do not set a mind here, so this is purely the body. Args: location - The turf the human will be spawned on.
Gaining or losing [TRAIT_DWARF] updates our height and grants passtable
Gaining or losing TRAIT_TOO_TALL updates our height
Gaining or losing TRAIT_UNKNOWN updates our name and our sechud
Picks a random mutated organ from the given infuser entry which is also compatible with this human. Tries to return a typepath of a valid mutant organ if all of the following criteria are true:
- Target must have a pre-existing organ in the same organ slot as the new organ;
- or the new organ must be external.
- Target's pre-existing organ must be organic / not robotic.
- Target must not have the same/identical organ.
Proc with no side effects that turns someone into a psyker. returns FALSE if it could not psykerize.
Fully randomizes everything according to the given flags.
Save any scars we have to our designated slot, then write our current slot so that the next time we call /mob/living/carbon/human/proc/increment_scar_slot (the next round we join), we'll be there
Security HUDs! Basic mode shows only the job.
Any "special" suicide messages are handled by the related item that the mob uses to kill itself. This is just messages for when it's done with the bare hands.
Setter for mob height - updates the base height of the mob (which is then adjusted by traits or species)
Exists so that the update is done immediately
Returns TRUE if changed, FALSE otherwise
Gives the appearance of being an agent
This proc is for holding effects applied when a mob is missing certain organs It is called very, very early in human init because all humans innately spawn with no organs and gain them during init Gaining said organs removes these effects
Overrides the point value that the mob is worth
flavorful variant of psykerizing that deals damage and sends messages before calling psykerize()
take the most recent item out of a slot or place held item in a slot
Returns TRUE if the tank successfully toggles open/closed. Opens the tank only if a breathing apparatus is found.
Updates the mob's height
Mainly so that dwarfism can adjust height without needing to override existing height
Returns a mob height num
Adds or removes a mob from the global suit sensors list based on sensor status and mode
Called when this human should be washed
Wash the hands, cleaning either the gloves if equipped and not obscured, otherwise the hands themselves if they're not obscured.
Returns false if we couldn't wash our hands due to them being obscured, otherwise true