Goliath Broodmother 
A stronger, faster variation of the goliath. Has the ability to spawn baby goliaths, which it can later detonate at will. When its health is below half, tendrils will spawn randomly around it. When it is below a quarter of health, this effect is doubled. Its attacks are as follows:
- Spawns a 3x3/plus shape of tentacles on the target location
- Spawns 2 baby goliaths on its tile, up to a max of 8. Children blow up when they die.
- The broodmother lets out a noise, and is able to move faster for 6.5 seconds.
- Summons your children around you. The broodmother is a fight revolving around stage control, as the activator has to manage the baby goliaths and the broodmother herself, along with all the tendrils.