Vars | |
allow_anchored | Do we teleport anchored objects? |
force_teleport | Does this portal bypass teleport restrictions? like TRAIT_NO_TELEPORT and NOTELEPORT flags. |
hard_target | For when a portal needs a hard target and isn't to be linked. |
hardlinked | Requires a linked portal at all times. Destroy if there's no linked portal, if there is destroy it when this one is deleted. |
innate_accuracy_penalty | What precision value do we pass to do_teleport (how far from the target destination we will pop out at). |
last_effect | Used to track how often sparks should be output. Might want to turn this into a cooldown. |
linked | A reference to another "linked" destination portal |
mech_sized | Are mechs able to enter this portal? |
sparkless | Does this portal create spark effect when teleporting? |
teleport_channel | What teleport channel does this portal use? |
wibbles | If FALSE, the wibble filter will not be applied to this portal (only a visual effect). |
Var Details
Do we teleport anchored objects?
Does this portal bypass teleport restrictions? like TRAIT_NO_TELEPORT and NOTELEPORT flags.
For when a portal needs a hard target and isn't to be linked.
Requires a linked portal at all times. Destroy if there's no linked portal, if there is destroy it when this one is deleted.
What precision value do we pass to do_teleport (how far from the target destination we will pop out at).
Used to track how often sparks should be output. Might want to turn this into a cooldown.
A reference to another "linked" destination portal
Are mechs able to enter this portal?
Does this portal create spark effect when teleporting?
What teleport channel does this portal use?
If FALSE, the wibble filter will not be applied to this portal (only a visual effect).