Vars | |
creature_x | Creature's X & Y coords, which can either be overridden or kept the same depending on follow_creature. |
follow_creature | Does the visual follow the creature? |
mod_man | The person in the modsuit at the moment, really just used to remove this from their screen |
modsuit_image | The image shown to modsuit users |
pinged_person | The creature we're placing this on |
real_icon_state | The icon state applied to the image created for this ping. |
Procs | |
add_mind | Add the image to the modsuit wearer's screen |
process | Update the position of the ping while it's still up. Not sure if i need to use the full proc but just being safe |
remove_mind | Remove the image from the modsuit wearer's screen |
Var Details
Creature's X & Y coords, which can either be overridden or kept the same depending on follow_creature.
Does the visual follow the creature?
The person in the modsuit at the moment, really just used to remove this from their screen
The image shown to modsuit users
The creature we're placing this on
The icon state applied to the image created for this ping.
Proc Details
Add the image to the modsuit wearer's screen
Update the position of the ping while it's still up. Not sure if i need to use the full proc but just being safe
Remove the image from the modsuit wearer's screen