Vars | |
chem_volume | The capacity for chems this cigarette has. |
choke_forever | If, when glorf'd, we will choke on this cig forever |
choke_time_max | When choking, what is the maximum amount of time we COULD choke for |
cig_smoke | The particle effect of the smoke rising out of the cigarette when lit |
cigarette_eaters | Which people ate cigarettes and how many |
drag_cooldown | The cooldown that prevents just huffing the entire cigarette at once. |
dragtime | How much time between drags of the cigarette. |
how_long_have_we_been_smokin | How long the current mob has been smoking this cigarette |
icon_off | The icon state used when this is extinguished. |
icon_on | The icon state used when this is lit. |
inhand_icon_off | The inhand icon state used when this is extinguished. |
inhand_icon_on | The inhand icon state used when this is lit. |
list_reagents | The reagents that this cigarette starts with. |
lit | Whether this cigarette has been lit. |
lung_harm | How much damage this deals to the lungs per drag. |
mob_smoke | The particle effect of the smoke rising out of the mob when...smoked |
smoke_all | Should we smoke all of the chems in the cig before it runs out. Splits each puff to take a portion of the overall chems so by the end you'll always have consumed all of the chems inside. |
smoketime | How long the cigarette lasts in seconds |
starts_lit | Whether this cigarette should start lit. |
type_butt | The type of cigarette butt spawned when this burns out. |
Procs | |
check_oxygen | Checks that we have enough air to smoke |
handle_reagents | Handles processing the reagents in the cigarette. |
light | Lights the cigarette with given flavor text. |
Var Details
The capacity for chems this cigarette has.
If, when glorf'd, we will choke on this cig forever
When choking, what is the maximum amount of time we COULD choke for
The particle effect of the smoke rising out of the cigarette when lit
Which people ate cigarettes and how many
The cooldown that prevents just huffing the entire cigarette at once.
How much time between drags of the cigarette.
How long the current mob has been smoking this cigarette
The icon state used when this is extinguished.
The icon state used when this is lit.
The inhand icon state used when this is extinguished.
The inhand icon state used when this is lit.
The reagents that this cigarette starts with.
Whether this cigarette has been lit.
How much damage this deals to the lungs per drag.
The particle effect of the smoke rising out of the mob when...smoked
Should we smoke all of the chems in the cig before it runs out. Splits each puff to take a portion of the overall chems so by the end you'll always have consumed all of the chems inside.
How long the cigarette lasts in seconds
Whether this cigarette should start lit.
The type of cigarette butt spawned when this burns out.
Proc Details
Checks that we have enough air to smoke
Handles processing the reagents in the cigarette.
Lights the cigarette with given flavor text.