/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Integrated Circuit Component

A component that performs a function when given an input

Can be attached to an integrated circuitboard, where it can then be connected between other components to provide an output or to receive an input. This is the base type of all components


categoryThe category of the component in the UI
circuit_flagsThe flags of the circuit to control basic generalised behaviour.
circuit_sizeDetermines the amount of space this circuit occupies in an integrated circuit.
display_nameThe name of the component shown on the UI
energy_usage_per_inputThe energy usage whenever this component receives an input.
input_portsA list that contains the components the input ports on this component Used to connect between the ports
output_portsA list that contains the outpurt ports on this component Used to connect between the ports
parentThe integrated_circuit that this component is attached to.
rel_xUsed to determine the x position of the component within the UI
rel_yUsed to determine the y position of the component within the UI
removableWhether the component is removable or not. Only affects user UI
required_shellsDefines which shells support this component. Only used as an informational guide, does not restrict placing these components in circuits.
trigger_inputGeneric trigger input for triggering this component
ui_buttonsThe UI buttons of this circuit component. An assoc list that has this format: "button_icon" = "action_name"
ui_colorThe colour this circuit component appears in the UI


add_input_portAdds an input port and returns it
add_option_portExtension of add_input_port. Simplifies the code to make an option port to reduce boilerplate
add_output_portAdds an output port and returns it
add_toCalled when this component is about to be added to an integrated_circuit.
create_table_noticesCreates a table UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices()
create_ui_noticeCreates a UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices()
disconnectDisconnects a component from other components
get_locationCalled when trying to get the physical location of this object
get_ui_noticesGets the UI notices to be displayed on the CircuitInfo panel.
input_receivedCalled from trigger_component. General component behaviour should go in this proc. This is the default proc that is called if no trigger proc is specified.
load_data_from_listLoads data from a list
populate_optionsCalled when the option ports should be set up
populate_portsCalled when the rest of the ports should be set up
pre_input_receivedCalled before input_received and should_receive_input. Used to perform behaviour that shouldn't care whether the input should be received or not.
register_shellCalled when a shell is registered from the component/the component is added to a circuit.
register_usb_parentCalled when a circuit component is added to an object with a USB port.
remove_input_portRemoves an input port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component
remove_output_portRemoves an output port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component
removed_fromCalled when this component is removed from an integrated_circuit.
save_data_to_listSaves data to a list. Shouldn't be used unless you are quite literally saving the data of a component to a list. Input value is the list to save the data to
send_ntnet_dataCalled when a circuit component requests to send Ntnet data signal.
should_receive_inputCalled whether this circuit component should receive an input. If this returns false, the proc that is supposed to be triggered will not be called and an output signal will not be sent. This is to only return false if flow of execution should be stopped because something bad has happened (e.g. no power) Returning no value in input_received() is not an issue because it means flow of execution will continue even if the component failed to execute properly.
trigger_componentCalled whenever an input is received from one of the ports.
ui_perform_actionCalled when a special button is pressed on this component in the UI.
unregister_shellCalled when a shell is unregistered from the component/the component is removed from a circuit.
unregister_usb_parentCalled when a circuit component is removed from an object with a USB port.

Var Details


The category of the component in the UI


The flags of the circuit to control basic generalised behaviour.


Determines the amount of space this circuit occupies in an integrated circuit.


The name of the component shown on the UI


The energy usage whenever this component receives an input.


A list that contains the components the input ports on this component Used to connect between the ports


A list that contains the outpurt ports on this component Used to connect between the ports


The integrated_circuit that this component is attached to.


Used to determine the x position of the component within the UI


Used to determine the y position of the component within the UI


Whether the component is removable or not. Only affects user UI


Defines which shells support this component. Only used as an informational guide, does not restrict placing these components in circuits.


Generic trigger input for triggering this component


The UI buttons of this circuit component. An assoc list that has this format: "button_icon" = "action_name"


The colour this circuit component appears in the UI

Proc Details


Adds an input port and returns it



Extension of add_input_port. Simplifies the code to make an option port to reduce boilerplate


Adds an output port and returns it



Called when this component is about to be added to an integrated_circuit.


Creates a table UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices()

Returns a list that can then be added to the return list in get_ui_notices() Used by components to list their available columns. Recommended to use at the end of get_ui_notices()


Creates a UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices()

Returns a list that can then be added to the return list in get_ui_notices()


Disconnects a component from other components

Disconnects both the input and output ports of the component


Called when trying to get the physical location of this object


Gets the UI notices to be displayed on the CircuitInfo panel.

Returns a list of buttons in the following format list( "icon" = ICON(string) "content" = CONTENT(string) "color" = COLOR(string, not a hex) )


Called from trigger_component. General component behaviour should go in this proc. This is the default proc that is called if no trigger proc is specified.

Return value indicates that the circuit should not send an output signal. Arguments:


Loads data from a list


Called when the option ports should be set up


Called when the rest of the ports should be set up


Called before input_received and should_receive_input. Used to perform behaviour that shouldn't care whether the input should be received or not.


Called when a shell is registered from the component/the component is added to a circuit.

Register all signals here on the shell. Arguments:


Called when a circuit component is added to an object with a USB port.



Removes an input port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component



Removes an output port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component



Called when this component is removed from an integrated_circuit.


Saves data to a list. Shouldn't be used unless you are quite literally saving the data of a component to a list. Input value is the list to save the data to


Called when a circuit component requests to send Ntnet data signal.



Called whether this circuit component should receive an input. If this returns false, the proc that is supposed to be triggered will not be called and an output signal will not be sent. This is to only return false if flow of execution should be stopped because something bad has happened (e.g. no power) Returning no value in input_received() is not an issue because it means flow of execution will continue even if the component failed to execute properly.

Return value indicates whether or not Arguments:


Called whenever an input is received from one of the ports.

Return value indicates whether the trigger was successful or not. Arguments:


Called when a special button is pressed on this component in the UI.



Called when a shell is unregistered from the component/the component is removed from a circuit.

Unregister all signals here on the shell. Arguments:


Called when a circuit component is removed from an object with a USB port.
